Cooking Master Boy

I remember back then watching this Japanese anime that was shown in a cable channel. It was about this simple boy who has the talent of cooking because of his “golden hand.” This golden hand channels energy and power that it brings out the best flavors of a certain viand or a certain food. He then proceeded to a quest all over his country so that he could improve his cooking skills and even joined cooking competitions which pitted him against the best cooking masters of his country. It was fun to watch because these cooking tournaments are designed like a martial arts tournament. The conversation would run something like what you hear in an old Asian kung fu movie. You know those films that bred Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Jackie Chan back in the 70s and 80s? You do not know how they sound like? Well, let me give you a sample: “You do not mess with me boy. I know the secret Buddha stirring spoon technique!” or “You want to test my cooking skills? You will regret ever knowing the Carrot clan!” or “I am the feared pork dimsum master of the dreaded hog region!” Try this one: “Feel the wrath of my dragon scaled skillet!”

The lines are horrible and cheesy, right? But nobody expects to get some intellectual discourses with watching cartoons. You cannot find issues concerning global warming and global hunger and worldwide recession while watching it. Cooking Master Boy is an anime that is all fun with a lot of heart. The good thing about this, is that you will get some basic lessons about loyalty, friendship, and courage. From the title, we can gleam that the boy was made a cooking master. It is heart warming to see that hard work and determination is rewarded after all and that good always triumphs over evil.

Now that I have babbled on and on about Cooking Master Boy, I began to wonder why my train of thought jumped to my childhood anime anyway. Let me just back track a little. I feel like I reallyss getting old. I remember cooking master boy because I was thinking about cooking. I was thinking about cooking because this morning I was playing cooking games! Ah, yes, cooking games. Now I am a total incompetent in the kitchen. My family knows I am there because the place would look like Chernobyl. Ironically, I love to cook but cooking doesn’t agree with me, so I have to find a way of doing that without burning the house down and that is where cooking games come in. Cooking games simulate some basic cooking method in one website. I learned to bake blueberry muffins and some cakes using these games. A virtual kitchen heaven is this site. I am glad to have discovered cooking games for I have saved a lot of furniture back home from future untold catastrophes that my cooking experiments will lead me.