Expats in China – Unveiling the Beauty of This Interesting Asian Nation

One of the most progressive countries in Asia, China offers interesting and nice sightseeing spots that tourists from other nations can surely enjoy. Despite the stable economic conditions in this country, those who plan to become expats in China should weigh some factors that can truly affect their stay like the tax system, government, and climate. In addition, people should also consider the status of medical care, the shopping industry as well as the real estate in the place. Furthermore, the cost of living in this Asian nation has great influence on the kind of life expats will have in China.

Government and Tax System

The government and tax system are important factors that expats in China should always consider before living permanently in the country. People from other countries may experience difficulties adapting to the Communist type of government in China. They can also have problems regarding religious restrictions and press restrictions in China. However, in case expats encounter problems during their stay in the country, they can always go to their embassy to ask for assistance. On the other hand, its tax system usually hinders businesspeople to perform well because tax rates for corporate and personal income in China range from 33 percent to 45 percent.


In terms of climate, tourists and travelers should expect varying climates in the different regions of the country. For instance, the southern regions usually experience warm weather while the northern regions are characterized with cold weather. In addition, monsoons usually trigger rainy days in China that commonly occur between the months of May and September. However, expats in China should be prepared when dry winter occurs in the place since it can produce extremely cold weather. Even during the summer season, monsoons are still present in China.

Medical Care and Shopping

When it comes to medical care, people have nothing to worry about emergency services since there are several health care institutions that expats in China can always visit. However, many foreigners in the place agree that health care professionals in the country fail to provide high quality medical services to them. In addition, there are times that the medical services that expats receive are more expensive than the cost of health services offered to Chinese people.

When it comes to shopping, people have nothing to worry about concerning their budgets because a lot of retail stores and specialty shops in the country offer affordable items. Some of the popular items available in Chinese stores are antiques and porcelain products.

Real Estate and Cost of Living

Expats in China may experience problems getting their own houses since the cost of real estate in this place is highly expensive. For those who like to rent apartments and houses, they need to get permits from local governments. In terms of cost of living, expats can live in the country for less than $500 a month. The bulk of this budget is of course allotted for house rental. In addition, even if living cost is low, they should know that wages or salaries that they can get from working in private corporations in the place are also low.