DirectX Uninstall Instruction – How to Uninstall DirectX Completely?

Most computer game players will have DirectX on their computer. When they want to update the program to a latest version or uninstall DirectX, some problems many occurs. If you have this program on your computer or you are going to uninstall DirectX, you should get some useful information on how to remove DirectX thoroughly.

What is DirectX?

It is a Microsoft product, which is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for managing tasks such as multimedia, especially game programming and video based on Microsoft platforms.

Uninstall instruction

Unlike the other programs, you can not remove DirectX from the windows add/remove program.

There are only two manual ways.

1. Go back to a system restore point where the current version was installed

This function is only available for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Here is a brief steps for you: click Start – click Help and Support – in the “Pick a task” section click “Undo Changes to Your Computer With System Restore” – click “Restore My Computer To an Earlier Time” on the right – click next button – select a date you want to restore your computer to.

Of course, you should think about when you install the program on your computer first of all.

2. Re-install your operating system. You may need a reinstall CD and also some basic knowledge about computer install.

However, these two options are not suitable for many computer users. If you have a lot of important files and data on your current computer, the above two ways are certainly not what you want. If you are not very familiar with system reinstall and system restore point, you should not adopt the above ways to remove DirectX.

Are you thinking there is a simple and quick way to uninstall the DirectX? Are you eager to uninstall DirectX to fix computer error? The best solution for you is to download an uninstaller program. Choose the one click solutiono uninstall DirectX thoroughly.