How Magnets Work to Heal the Body

This article explains how magnets work to aid healing in the body.

Many people are seeking alternative health care due to the high cost of paying for medical bills and knowing that one prescription drug will lead to another one, mainly because of side effects.

I recently went to the hospital and did not know why I was experiencing an extreme amount of pain. The doctor told me, “It looks like an ovarian cyst rupture. Here’s some pain pills and all you can do is let your body take care of it. Go to the ob/gyn and do a follow up visit.” Well I got the bill a few weeks ago. That one trip costs me over $1,000 (even after insurance) and there really was nothing they could do for me.

It makes sense to stay healthy. It’s definitely cheaper! Who really enjoys paying obscene amounts of money a month for something that’s suppose to make you feel better but doesn’t. The treatment we get today only treats the symptoms of a disease but does not really find the root cause.

How does magnetic therapy work?

Magnet therapy like other alternative therapies want to encourage you to find the root cause of your disease and not just mask the symptoms. For example, take arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to stop the inflammation. However, what they don’t look at is why your body is causing inflammation. Your body will continue to stay inflamed and you will continue to fill that prescription bottle and eventually over time realize the pills stopped working and you’re still in pain.

Inflammation can be caused by a number of reason such as dehydration, insufficient nutrients from consuming unhealthy foods, lack of strong muscles, or cellular misfiring.

Using therapeutic magnets can reduce your inflammation in the body. This is significant research because inflammation causes swelling and swelling puts pressure on surrounding nerves and tissue which in turn causes pain. You want to decrease the pain without introducing new toxic substances. Magnet therapy can do that.

Magnet therapy does not work by attracting iron in your body as some might claim. No one really knows for sure how it works but the research is currently underway. There are some theories and some clinical research that prove it does work.

Research from the University of Virginia shows that applying magnetic fields to an injured area works in the same way as applying a pack of ice. Reduction of inflammation is achieved and swelling is decreased.

Another significant point to understand is that the Earth is a giant magnet. We are living under a huge magnetic field. Because of this magnetic field an important discovery was made about the Schumann resonance.

The Schumann Resonance is an atmospheric frequency that exists in the ionosphere of the planet. It beats at a certain frequency and every living cell responds to this frequency. Even our brains.

Have you ever experienced a black out in your home? Do you notice how quiet it is when no appliances are running. All appliances release a certain energy. If you live in the city you’ll notice how noisy and loud and how fast paced it is. You can get sick easier too. This is because city life can block off many of those healthy Schumann Resonances that your cells need to function normally.

Your cells vibrate at a certain frequency as well. If they receive another signal, they can become off balance and you can become ill and develop certain conditions.

Researchers in Tokyo, Japan found that magnets prevented the build up of an enzyme called cholinesterase. This enzyme inhibits acetylcholine which is a chemical that is essential in pain control.

When muscles contract acetylcholine is released and causes depolarization of the muscle cells. Sodium ions rush into the cells (Na+) and Calcium ions are released and bond with the troponin-tropomyosin

complex in the muscle fibers. Energy (ATP) is released which causes the muscle fibers to shorten, thus sustaining a contraction.

Cholinesterase inactivates acetylcholine which is the precursor for a muscle contraction. The theory holds that magnets prevent the buildup of cholinesterase or reduces the amount that is already there. The remaining cholinesterase splits the acetylcholine into its components, and stops the stimulation of muscle fibers. This theory was tested on guinea pigs.

Another theory about how magnets work to heal the body is from Lonny Brown, Ph.D. He believes that when the body is introduced to a magnetic field, positively and negatively charged ions become active and produces heat in the body. This causes dilation of surrounding capillaries and promotes blood flow.

As you know, an increase in blood flow promotes delivery of nutrients and excretion of waste products lingering in the body.

As of today, there is no definitive answer to how magnets work to heal the body or even why they work. I believe the lack of research in America has a lot to do in part with the profit making of pharmaceutical companies.

Where would they get all their patients from if they begin to understand that the body is its own pharmacy and healing begins within. If you know how things work and understand them then staying healthy is the key and not just masking the symptoms.

You can learn more about magnetic therapy at