How To Create a Healthy Kitchen

Changing the organization of your kitchen can help you achieve the body you want.

Throw out lollies, biscuits and chips. If it is not in the house you can not eat it. If you really are craving it, you'll have to go to the shop.It will make you re-evaluate how much you really want it.

If you do find yourself at the shop, buy a single serve. Just buy one ice cream, one chocolate bar or one small packet of chips. Buy as you need. Do not stock up.

Move your fruit and vegetables to the middle of the fridge. Do not hide them in the crisper. When you open the fridge and in the most dominant position are your fruit and vegetables you are more likely to choose these to snack on.

Leftovers should be stored in containers and towards the back of the fridge. Why increase temptation by putting last night's pizza, or leftovers at the front of the fridge.You open the fridge many times a day, re organize so that you only see the good stuff. Better still, get the habit of freezing left overs to avoid you constantly going back for more. Even better, give it away to someone else or throw it out. It may be wasting food, but if it's last night's take out, better in the trash than around your waist.

Buy lots of small containers or zip lock bags. When you do your supermarket shop, get in the habit of dividing up large packages into single serves. You can do this with nuts, dried fruits and even cereal.

Use small plates and small spoons. C cup of cereal looks like a lot in a small bowl, but in a larger bowl, you'll feel unsatisfied. Using a small spoon will slow your eating down. We often eat too quickly and shovel down too much food. Our brains do not get a chance to tell you that you're full. Slow down and enjoy what you are eating, let the body send the signals to the brain to tell you that you've had enough.

Out of sight, out of mind.