Developing Some Tools For Success

Once you have decided to be successful get into the habit of using these tools to back you up. Monitor your progress, keep track of all your great ideas, clear the clutter in your head and turn it into creativity, remember the small tasks, reward yourself and give an extra push These are not difficult tools to use, individually they will benefit and add to your success progress but used together they can have tremendous power.

A powerful tool on your journey to success is to keep a record of what you're doing so you can track your progress. It can be a great learning tool helping you determine the strategies that work best for you. Keeping a record of what decisions you made and why, your actions, thoughts, observations and results in particular situations will provide you with some valuable sign posts, Making use of all the information you gather will take you from strength to strength on your path to success and help you make wiser and quicker decisions in the future.

Often when your mind is focused on a routine task like cleaning or driving amazing thoughts and ideas can develop, if you can have a mini recorder handy these ideas will not be lost in the chaos and distractions of your day. It's been said everyone has at least one great idea in their lifetime that could make them rich, at least give yourself the opportunity to remember yours. It's a great way to keep track of your ideas so record or write them down and expand on them later. By doing this you have taken the first step in the creation of your idea but remember to follow through with action.

Another excellent tool is to keep a notepad or journal and pen by your bed and first thing in the morning write 3 pages of whatever thoughts pop into your head. This practice is great for clearing out the clutter and frustrations that have been on your mind clouding your thinking. It's important not to think when you are doing this process, just write down whatever comes out, your channels of creativity will be opened and clear for a creative day. These pages are not for sharing or even for rereading they are just an avenue for releasing pent up thoughts and frustrations so your mind is free and clear.

There is so much to do everyday and so much going on, it can sometimes be very easy to neglect the small things. Each individual thing may not appear to have a great affect on the overall picture, collectively though they will have a major impact. This is why it's important to pay attention and to ensure that you follow through on all your tasks to a high standard without shortcuts no matter how small. Imagine if you did everything you needed to do to take a trip, booked and paid, packed your clothes and got to the airport on time but left your passport at home. Just one forgotten or overlooked task could ruin the whole journey. So before you start each day, week, month or year make a checklist and systematically work your way through it.

A great motivating tool is to set rewards for accomplishing each major task you accomplish, rewards will give you something to strive for. Just make sure you do not give in early, only treat yourself when you're happy with your efforts. It will mean so much more, you feel great and subconsciously it will tell your mind that you are doing things right and should carry on.

Occasional it's a good idea to give yourself an extra push you may be surprised just how much more you are capable of. Often when I go for a run and am near the end I change the finishing line and focus on another point not too far ahead, then just before I reach it I move the line a little bit further again and maybe even again. Yes, I am a bit more tired but I have managed to cover a much greater distance than I originally thought I could. Just think how much more you could achieve if you just moved your finishing line a little bit further away.

These are not difficult tools to use, individually they will benefit and add to your success progress but used together they can have tremendous power.