Engagement Rings Signify the Aura of Love

Engagement is one of the most cherished moments in life. The practice of wearing engagement rings dates back to the year 1215. It was started by Pope Innocent 111 who had announced that a period of waiting needs to be observed from engagement to the time of wedding. The believers of this rule began wearing rings, which would symbolize the committed status of the couples. With time, the practice of wearing rings became popular in all parts of the world with slight variations as per the local cultures. A ring on the fourth finger of her left hand is a symbol of acceptance of a proposal and the willingness to marry a particular person. According to general traditions, these rings were gifted to women by men, but nowdays, most of the couples obliged to marry exchange rings.

Engagement rings are indicative of the forthcoming nuptials. So, an engagement ring is a very special piece of jewelry which is bought for the most special person in your life. For your engagement, it is essential to choose a perfect ring. This ring would adorn the finger of your beloved for the rest of her life. While choosing an engagement ring you must take into consideration the durability of the ring. Your future bride would wear it forever so you must choose a metal that is not only durable but also beautiful. The metal used in the rings should be of high quality and strength. The strongest of the base metals are made of 18k platinum alloyed with either palladium or iridium. These metals have high longevity and are not tampered easily. White gold is popularly used in most of the rings. However, this metal may cause allergies so you can choose palladium. Palladium stands white for a longer time period.

But, the most popular are the diamond engagement rings. Diamonds are the most enchanting gemstones. The sparkling glitter, the transparency and the mysticism of the stones makes them ideal for gifting on engagements. They symbolize the strength and the purity of a relationship. Diamond rings are available in various designs. The cut and clarity of diamonds have to be considered while purchasing an elegant diamond ring. These things are available in different patterns from which you can take your pick. Classic collections of such rings include minor and simple patterns with small pieces of diamonds studded in elegant designs. The contemporary and the stylish rings may have a larger diamond piece in the center surrounded with small diamond pieces around it. This is called a halo ring.

If you are searching for some unique styles of engagement rings, a blissful solitaire ring or a magnificent ring studded with rubies and emeralds will be a mesmerizing gift for your fiancée. Whiche ring you choose, its high quality and exceptional finesse should signify and symbolize the aura of love and dedication shared by you and your partner.