3 Sneaky Psychological Tactics That Will Have Your Boyfriend Literally Begging You To Take Him Back!

Lotus، Giarmata Vii – أحدث أسعار 2024
Lotus، Giarmata Vii – احجز بضمان أفضل الأسعار! 4 تقييمات و 41 صورة بإنتظارك على Booking.com.

We have all lost an ex boyfriend or girlfriend at one point in our lives. Needless to say, it is one of the most painful experiences that a person can go through in life. But does the end truly have to be the end? The answer is, no!

Couples get back together every day so why couldn’t you and your ex be among the thousands of couples who are happily reunited? Well, the good news is, you can, but in order to do so, you have to play a bit “dirty.” Now don’t worry, I don’t mean anything too manipulative or sneaky.

Let me let you in on a little secret, all relationships, big and small, are based on psychological impulses. Behind the scenes of literally everything we do in our lives, there is a psychological reason behind it. This is especially true in matters of the heart.

Whether you and your boyfriend broke up due to cheating, a big fight, a lot of little fights that eventually ended the whole thing, or you just kind of drifted apart and that flame faded, there IS a way for you to get him back again.

The sad truth is that most girls sabotage themselves from the very beginning. How do they do this? By calling, texting, begging, crying, cheating, trying to make him jealous, etc. This stuff will just not work. You will just be digging yourself a deeper grave the more you do this stuff.

I am going to give you 3 sneaky and effective psychological tactics that will literally force your boyfriend to take another look at the relationship!

#1. Agree with the breakup! The very first thing you should do is to agree with the breakup! You might be thinking to yourself, well how will this work? Won’t he just say OK fine and be on his way? Not at all! And I’ll tell you why.

Men have egos. This is a fact. And they expect the woman to chase them and he probably actually enjoys the attention somewhat. It is up to YOU to change this all around. Right now the power scales are tipped in his favor. You need to switch this around. Don’t be mean about it, just be matter of fact, and say “you know what, I think this break-up was a good idea, I was beginning to feel a bit smothered by you.”

#2. Push-Pull. It is likely that so far, you have been giving him a LOT of attention. So what you want to do now is completely shut off all the attention. And then in a few days, give him a lot of attention.

What this will effectively do is make him want you so bad it hurts! If you do this right, he will start to chase you, because he cannot have you. Again don’t be mean, cold, or cruel about it. Just act as if you are busy one day, and the next shower him with attention, and do this over and over again.

#3. Make it seem as if you are moving on. This is the last step, if you have done everything else right so far, this will have him back in your arms like magic! By now he will be craving your attention, and want to be with you again.

The truth is, 99% of couples do have a chance at being fixed. But so many girls blow that chance forever by simply not having the right information. When it comes to getting an ex back, there IS a very exact right and wrong method to do it.

It’s simply a learned, step by step process. All it takes is self belief, understanding, knowledge and a little time, and he can be back in your arms forever!