Do Your Trip With American Airlines

Setting The Stage

Let's set the stage for your trip with American Airlines. You are just recently entering the job world and your new boss wants you to schedule a meeting with one of your clients to discuss them buying into a new product that your company just introduced that they think would really help your clients be more efficient.

Bullet List For Preview

Now there are a lot of things that you have to do in this situation so let's just give a bullet list of them:

Set a date and time that the meeting will be held.
Scheduling a time that you would like to be arriving into the area that your client is at.
Buying a ticket and getting everything set up correctly so you do not have any problems at the airport.
Packing your baggage in a manner that will be most constructive and beneficial to you.
Getting to the airport and actually flying to your client.
Doing great at meeting with your clients and getting that successful transaction for your client and you.
And finally flying back to your home.

Setting A Date And Time With Client

Now with all these variables it is always best to stop at the top of the list because it is easier to complete. Setting a date and time with your client is crucial for an actual meeting to happen so you can actually have something to fly to and be there for. Where as if you just showed up that might be just a little weird for you and your client because they have no idea what you are showing up there for. So set a date and time that is good for your client and good for you as well.

Schedule Your Arrival Time

The second thing that you want to do is to schedule a time that you would like to be there so you feel comfortable and prepared for your meeting. Let's just say that your client does not have much free time so they would like to have the meeting at 8'o clock in the morning. So once you look and you thought there was a flight from ORD, Chicago, to BOS, Boston, that would leave ORD and get you to BOS before 8am, but unfortunately there is no such flight in your case. But in your luck there is a flight that leaves the night before at 6pm from ORD and gets you into BOS at 10pm. You feel good because that flight will get you there the night before and you can have some time to relax and make sure everything is working and correct for your meeting the next day. So you decide to take that flight and then begins the next step in ticketing and reserving your flight to BOS.

Buy Those Tickets

Now that you are in the step of ticketing and reserving your seats roundtrip to and from BOS one thing that you want to make sure that you do is correctly put in your information so you do not have any problems in the airport when you get there . The best way to do this is to use the put in the exact same information that is on your drivers license or passport, which you want to fly with is perfect for domestic travel, because this is what they will use at security and in the check in process at the airport. If your name is misspelled there might be a problem and will incur you spending more of your time getting stressed about something that you could have just easily done when you were booking the flight. Now that you successfully booked your flights on, American Airlines, you are ready to get packing your bags and ready to fly out for that important meeting.

Pack That Bag

Since you are ready to pack your bags and get this show on the road one thing that is best to do is to correctly pack on what you would like to bring with you on your trip. There is always a lot that you think you should bring with you so in order to complete know what you should bring with you to initially take out everything that you think you could possibly need, then reduce the things that you would not really need because you do not want to take too much with you if it is going to be a short trip with only one or two meetings. You are not packing to travel the world for a year long journey.

Petal To The Metal To The Airport

Now that you have efficiently and effectively packaged your bag for your trip to your meeting with your client you now need to get to the airport to actually fly to your meeting. Now a lot of people do really well until they get to this step and this is the point where they break down and start the meltdown of what is going to happen on the plane, the nervousness of missing a flight, and every other fear that you could imagine. The best thing to plan for traveling with American Airlines is to go online the night before your flight and just simply check in to your flight. Once you do this it will usually allow you to get your seats and boarding pass. One other thing that might make your life a little bit easier is to print these boarding passes or to download the American Airlines app and get the boarding passes on your phone. This will allow for relaxation knowing that you do not have to go to a busy counter or agent to get boarding passes, unless you have a checked bag. Now the next best thing to do is to usually show up about 1.5hr-2hr before your flight if it is at a big airport or 1hr at a small airport. This will allow enough time to go through security, get to the gate, go to the restroom, and any other needs you would need to address before you get on the plane.

If you have done all these steps you sure most likely to have a high success rate of getting to your gate with as little stress as possible. You will surely be on the road to success and you will get to your meeting and win those clients over with the new product that you want them to buy. You got this!