Meditation – The Key to Success

Meditation is a unique and very simple way of giving rest to the mind in the most natural way. Nowadays, meditation is the most sought after remedy being adopted by one and all. But it is also most misunderstood and misinterpreted method offered by numerous self-styled gurus. Kindly do not be misled by the promotions and preaching of some of these greedy people. Instead please enteriate some research on your own in this regard and find out their genuineness. Also, check your suitability before joining any group of people or an organization.

Every human being has been gifted with a unique mind, great inner strength and energy which unlocks further when he begins meditating. It will guide him naturally on the journey forward. So, start meditating as soon as possible without much delay or waiting for a guru a sect. Practically, there is no need for someone's help. It is very simple and easy to practice.

How To Meditate:

Sit ideal, without doing anything or thinking about anything, with your eyes closed for a few minutes everyday, preferably after a bath, swim or a workout. The body and mind become fresh and are in a natural rhythm with each other after a good bath. You may either sit on chair, on the floor with your legs crossed over or by standing still. Remember that your backbone should always be straight in any position you happen to meditate.

The whole body should not be tense but in a relaxed state with the right posture. In the earlier days of practicing and learning meditation, introspection happens on its own. It is a natural phenomenon. Meditation is more effective when carried out in isolation without any noise or activity in the vicinity. Although there are other methods of meditation also, but this is the most effective, less time consuming and the results are far more productive and lifelong.

Meditation and Introspection are interrelated to each other. Introspection means analysis of one's own thoughts and actions with oneself in the mind on the subconscious level. When meditation is done on daily basis introspection happens for first few minutes only. Saving of useful things and deletion of discarded information happens automatically. That is the magic of our mind.

When the mind becomes clear of its thoughts and worries, it paves the way for a smooth and direct journey into the unknown. This is where deep meditation starts on its own. It is a natural phenomenon. Just keep sitting ideal, without wandering and doing nothing at all. Just keep flowing and drifting away with the flow. Relax and enjoy each and every moment of this newly found bliss. This is the only way of reaching here. It can not be initiated directly without getting rid of clutter, thoughts, ideas, concerns or tensions from the mind.

Meditation is a way of directing the mind on the subconscious level to gradually slow down its working processes related with our mind. By this way, we provide our minds some time to take rest and relaxation. If we can moderate everyday, we can unload unimportant things from our minds on a daily basis. Although the actual duration of relaxation may vary from a few seconds to a few minutes only but still it makes a great difference. It helps in relieving numerous thoughts and worries that were blocking the mental energies to let the mind work more smoothly and efficiently. If you start practicing meditation on a daily basis, you will soon feel the positive differences taking place in your life. It could be regarding your clarity in thinking, studying and learning new things. It will also greatly help in remembering and recalling information, analysis and tackling with problems, interpersonal skills and relationships, etc.

There is another method of meditation which is also suggested to people. In this method, you are invited to meditate with your eyes wide open. All those people who are not able to meditate with their eyes closed, are suggested this method to start meditating with their eyes open. Here, people are directed to focus on a specific object. It could either either a flame of a burning candle or a black dot on the wall. Both of these should be kept at a distance of 2-3 meters which are clearly visible to eyes. There should not be any movement or noise of any kind nearby so that a proper focus can be formed. With a little practice, it becomes easy.

The main idea here is to stop engaging yourself in all other activities, sit still in a specific position and focus on an object. This method shows to be effective but here the mind is still working. Secondly, decluttering of the mind has not taken place. Initially it seems to be working. But gradually people start losing interest as it does not show them positive results even after many days. This is quite natural. Whenever you start starting noticing positive results from an activity, your mind will be more inclined and motivated in pursuing it further.

There are four steps to complete the mediation process:

First , is to cut the connection of the mind from the daily routine life and activities for a few minutes.

Second , is to declutter and get the mind rid of the discarded things which further unlocks the mental energies from getting wasted.

Third , is to relax the mind and direct the renewed mental energies towards the more useful pursuits.

Fourth , is to gradually cleanse, activate and energize all seven chakras, the energy centers, of the body.

In this way, the rhythm of both the body and mind start working in totality and synchronization. This further helps to repair the various mental and physical problems developed over the years.

Neurological problems are found to be the most beneficial results which can be noticed within a few days only.

Since meditation is not any kind o religious activity or a ritual, there are no rules or regulations. But there are some simple precautions so that its experience and feelings can be felt in a more positive way.

These are:

Consult your doctor if you are suffering from any physical ailment. Also, if you start feeling any kind of discomfort in sitting or standing in a position for a longer duration. But, remember that your backbone has to be straight during meditation.

Interact with a few people who have been meditating for quite some time. You will get to know its benefits, the insights that you would develop and other avenues that could possibly open up.

Meditation should be done at a Comfortable Place : There should be no foul smell of kind, should not be too hot, too cold, any unbearable humidity or moisture, should not be too bright lit or damp dark, etc. In a nutshell, the place chosen for meditation can be a room suitable and comfortable to you. Or even some place outside in a park, nearby a lake, river or a waterfall but without any noise or other distractions.

Avoid Mediation During Discomfort : Proper rest or whenever whenever there arises an illness, any other discomfort or when the body and mind are extremely tired. A break in such situations proves to be beneficial in the long run.