10 Signs That He Likes You

أفضل 10 فنادق في غالاتس، رومانيا | Booking.com
خصومات هائلة على الفنادق في غالاتس, رومانيا على الإنترنت. توافر جيد وأسعار رائعة. اقرأ تقييمات الفندق واختر أفضل عروض الفنادق لإقامتك.

You met this great guy and you've been dating each other for some time. Not in an exclusive relationship, but you have been spending time together. Phone calls that rented for more than an hour, flirty smiles are replaced.

You feel good about him.

Now is the million dollar question that you want to find out.

Does he like you? Is he into you, or not?

How to know the answer? What are the tell-tale signs that he is into you?

Well, besides using your woman's intuition which is not something I can describe here nor teach, I'll do my best to "simplify" this complicated thing call "love".

10 Signs That He Likes You

1. Watching the same movie twice

He's seen the movie. Although he was not very impressed with it, but because you have not caught it he suddenly changed his tune and he really would like to watch it a second time.

And so by the way, if you have not seen it too, why not let's go catch it together, he asked.

You know his intention is then not on the movie, but the company really.

So girls, do not expose his true intentions. It's enough to know the underlying truth, be appreciative ok?

2. His car is playing songs that just sound too, familiar?

Because those are your favorites! You have merely casually mentioned to him once, and the next time he drives you, you're in for a musical beast.

Is he always so attentive to everyone's needs and preferences? Well, you observe how he interacts with others and you tell me.

3. He asks that question!

Well, he will try to be as casual and nonchalant about it as possible. But no matter how cool he acts, deep down inside he is burning and dying to know the answer to this question:

"So, are you single?"

If your answer is yes, then this will be the next one:

"No way. How can someone like you be single?

Now watch his body language closely. If you notice he is feeling tensed up by now, and completely relieved when your answer is "No" then you get the message.

4. He requests for a follow-up date even before the date is over

Now if he is not interested in you, why would a man be so anxious to "book" your time for another date with him even when the date is only half-way through?

Without you look like Jessica Alba, or you can give him a million-dollar job like Donald Trump. If you are not either one of the two or belong to either one of the category, then this can be a clue to his heart …

5. Your name is not foreign to his friends

If you do get a chance to meet up with his friends, which you know you can create such opportunities, you'll get some nice juicy bits from them.

But this may not be very fool-proof, neither are all of these signs, but if his friends raise their eyesbrows or grin sheepishly when he introduces you to them, then that means word has been around within that gang on someone in particular, which could very well be you.

6. He can not remove his eyes from you

Ok, we know that's not the kind of stare-through-your-clothes type, but rather a slightly more loving kind of gaze that speaks of admiration and liking.

If the eyes could speak, they may just pop this question on behalf of their owner "You are the most beautiful lady I've ever seen. Would you like to be more than friends?"

The best test? When a bombshell or super gorgeous babe sashays past, you need to alert him before he notices her. (Of course, this is really carrying it a little far ha ha …. what does it take to stop a man's roving eyes? I can not find the answer yet)

7. He prompts you

Every now and then, he will find a chance to ask you what type of guy you are attracted to and are looking for in a partner.

Without he's doing what I'm doing (which puts me in a really privileged position to ask ha ha), what business is it for him to know what kind of man you like if not for the fact that he is secretly ploting his way to become the most feasible candidate?

Do not be surprised if he starts putting him down or discrediting himself by saying things about him that do not fit into the list you described. He is testing waters to see what your reaction would be, which will give him some clues on how you feel for him.

For example you listed "having a good sense of humor and making you laugh" as one of the exercises which you will be attracted to, and he says "Oh, I'm a boring guy actually. jokes or make girls laugh. I must be boring you then "be careful of what you reply him.

If you say "Ya, I do not think you are the type of humorous person either" versus "Oh is that so? But I never find you boring at all. he will either be secretly weeping in sorrow or jumping in joy.

By saying things like that, he is kind of "forcing" you to give a response, and either way you will be giving away clues on how you feel. So girls, if you fancy this guy too, you know what kind of answer you should give, right?

8. He is doing you favors

Yes, he does not mind ferrying you around if he has a car. He will also volunteer to accompany you all the way to an out-of-the-way place to satisfy a sudden craving you have for a food delicacy that is sold there.

He wiil help you with your school work, express his interest in lending you a hand for errands you need to run, buy some things for your family etc.

If a man is not interested in developing something further than friendship with you, unless he is too bored with his life or he's Mr Super Ultra Nice, then I wonder what can be that wherever you need his help.

9. He's very anxious about celebrating special occasions.

Like Valentine's Day (if he asks you out on that day, I would really suspect his intention, would not you?) And your birthday.

He would long to celebrate this special day with you, and preferably alone.

10. He buys you gifts

Sending gifts on no occasion occasion and for no reason is the easiest way for a man to declare his interest in a girl without verbalizing it. By giving you something, he is testing to see how you react. Usually he will do this when he still is not sure of how you feel towards him, so at least he will not feel rejected if you reject his gift.

At the same time, he is hiring to make you happy with that gift. And if you are happy, he will be too!

Summarizing the above, they may not be 100% fool-proof scientifically demonstrated to show he's into you. They came from pure experience and observation. I purposely did not include things like body language where he will check how he look before meeting you, pointing his leg and facing his body towards you etc because I just want to make this as non-scientific as possible.

So ladies, hope this gives you some clues to how this man who is appearing in front of you pretty often clearly notices about you. Does he have only platonic friendship in mind, or something more?