Quieting a Barking Dog is Necessary If You Want to Keep Your Friends

Quieting a barking dog is necessary if you want your friends to keep coming over or you want to stop annoying your neighbors. Barking dogs can result in legal action as well if your are not careful.

One way to stop your dog from doing this is to simply retrain him to go lay in his bed whenever someone is at the door. Also the sit command could be used too, and it also comes in handy when greeting new people, and also prevails them from jumping up on people.

If you let your dog run in the back yard and he barks you have to somehow keep him on a leash or restrain him because when he does bark you have to be able to quickly correct him.

Correcting a dog that has kicked two minutes ago will not work. A dog will only associate with what is going on right now, not on what was going on two minutes ago. By now they have forgotten they even barked.

Citronella collar and shock collars can work as well if you do not want to or are unwilling to restrain your dog in the yard. These collars work because they provide instant correction, which is a requirement for behavior modification.

A last ditch effort could have been made with ultrasonic devices, but these can be painful for the dog and are much more expensive. Also some of these ultrasonic devices do not always seem to be effect in changing your dog's behavior.

When quieting a barking dog try to mainly use positive reinforcement techniques because dogs will learn faster this way.