Here Are Some Helpful Tips to Make Your Day Easier and More Efficient

Regardless of what ever task you are doing in your home or in your office chances are there are some nice handy tips to make it a bit easier. Here are some tips to help you out should you ever run across these same scenarios.

Do you own some silver and it looks tarnished? Do not fear nor go out and buy some expensive cleaner. A solution is as close as your bathroom sink in the form of your toothpaste. Take your toothpaste and rub it on your silver. If you have an old soft bristle toothbrush available, it will help speed this process up. Using the toothbrush, scrub your silver with the toothpaste and then rinse and of course dry with a soft cloth. Your silver will be shining in no time.

Are you moving some furniture around in your house? Afraid you might scratch the hardwood floors? Take some of your socks, (sports tube socks work best) and put them on the legs of your furniture. The socks help prevent or reduce any scratching that may occur. Of course if your socks have holes in them, there is not much I can say.

Did the kids decide to use the nice wallpaper in your dining room as their personal canvass for their crayon adventures? Not to worry. Add some rubbing alcohol to a soft cloth and then gently wipe the cray marks away. Make sure you do not use too much alcohol and of course it is best to open a window in the room since the rubbing alcohol can have a strong odor.

Do you go camping with the family? Before you put away those sleeping bags do not forget to add a dryer sheet inside. The dryer sheet will help keep the sleeping bag stay fresh and smell like new when you go to use it the next time.

Get your snow shovel ready for next winter (or this winter if it is up you) by waxing it up. That's right. Apply a coat of wax on your shovel. It helps reduce that heavy wet snow from sticking to it, which makes your job easier.

Do not throw away those plastic gallon milk containers. You can cut them in half with a utility knife, drill five "" holes in the bottom for drainage and use them to pot plants as garden starters. You can also use 2 liter soda bottles and yogurt cups to make a great plant starter.

Finally, before you put those newspapers in your recycle bin, if you are about to mail a package you can shred the newspaper and use it as packing material. It's free, well almost free, you paid fifty cents to have delivered, and lightweight. It will help cushion the blows your package will receive along the way during shipment and when it finally arrives at the other end the person can simply recycle it with the box you shipped your package in.