How To Make Your Kitchen Cozy

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When you shape the kitchen interior, the greatest problems are connected with drawbacks of planning and lack of space. Appropriately chosen kitchen furniture can resolve this situation, even more so that variety of models gives such an opportunity. The main thing is to imagine how your own kitchen "acts out", ie even on the stage of planning you are to foresee conformity of all objects and their sizes. Believe us, this will greatly facilitate the whole process, up to setting the last shelf in the dresser.

So, you have already made up the list of all kitchen equipment with indication of its size. Now pay attention to technical details, such as dimensions and location of the ventilation, pipes, wiring, sockets, flexible (gas, water-supply) hoses etc. Enter all necessary "stuffing" in your list – and you can set off for the shop to make your choice. If you are going to buy all elements of kitchen interior separately, do not forget that the standard depth of household appliances is 600 mm, so check in advance the parameters of the things you need.

The dominant is high storage cabinets for storing foodstuffs and high cabinets for storing inventory (brushes, brooms etc). It is necessary to remember that they should not break off the work surface and they should not be located on the "uniforms" of your kitchen field. If you prefer an inbuilt grill or oven, it is the high storage cabinet that will accommodate them without breaking the uniformity. Beside you can pick up the height of their location, so that it is convenient for you.

Now let's touch upon on-floor cabinets. They are the basis of your workspace, their height directly affects the amount of your hands' fat after cooking food, a great amount of drawers on rollers can help simplify reaching out for any object of kitchen interior that you need at the moment. We advise that you plan the space of on-floor cabinets in such a way, that the most frequently used objects could easily be accessed (pullout rotating shelves), while the rarely used dishware can be placed on the ordinary shelves.
A detail: trays and baking sheets can be conveniently settled in the filth case under the on-floor table, which in fact, can have any width, depending on your requirements. If the height of the on-floor cabinet (preparation table) is not convenient for you, the plinth will add several centimeters, necessary for your accommodation and will lend your hands and back of overstrain. Important: it is extremely comfortable to work while sitting, so if you decided to bring in something new to the interior and give yourself a treat, plan a pullout shelf under one of the cabinets of work surface or get a high (bar) stool.

Overhead cabinets are to be located not less than 450 mm from the work surface, it is necessary, in order to accommodate freely all used electrical appliances (a food processor, a coffee-machine, a toaster etc). The height of standard cabinets is 600 mm, perfor you can buy 900-mm cabinets. They will actually reach the ceiling in typical flats. Even if after all, there are some things left and there is some vacant space on top, we finish the composition by entresol shelves up to the ceiling (open or closed ones) or a cornice with inbuilt lamps. Corner wall-mounted cabinets have either open shelves, or a folding door, which makes all the contents visible; the rotating shelf is remarkable for its capacity and convenience.
The distance between the work surface and overhead cabinets is called the apron. With regard to the work surface the main thing for the apron is to be in harmony with it as to color and texture. For instance, a glossy table top and glazed tiles, mat color of the work surface and mat apron (covered with mat washable wallpapers or imitation of tiles).

Such attention to the image of the apron is connected with the fact that it should protect the wall from dirtying, for example, from grease that can be easily washed off. The work surface is often overloaded with objects and their abundance induces the feeling of discomfort. We will free it with the help of the apron. Let's fix the microwave oven on brackets, arrange the separation of species on the miniature shelves and place the small metal items and knives on the magnetic panel. One more nuance: the decorative nook (plinth), made of water-resistant materials, will protect the back surfaces of on-floor cabinets from ingress of moisture.

When you place standard furniture, there may be narrow gaps between separate elements or between the furniture and the wall. Use them – put a narrow shelf or a table in this gap. For example, a movable table will increase the active surface and will be used as a serving table.
A narrow socle will prove useful for storing preparation plates, towels, bottles. Select the same materials for these inbuilt constructions as those used for main furniture. Kitchen furniture made from natural hard wood (oak, cherry, beech, nut-tree) and work surface from granite and marble look impressive and respectable.

Ultramodern directions of finishing are represented by metal surfaces (stainless steel, aluminum) and heat-resistant glass. Inexpensive surfaces can be made of laminated plastic, ceramic tiles, plastic. All these materials are rather practical and different in the ways of installation and operation: laminated plastics is deformed by high temperatures, the tiles can crack as a result of unsuccessful landing of a heavy pan, plastic is vulnerable to scratches, but in contrast to laminated plastic it withstands high temperature almost without deformation. No kitchen can do without silent assistants, such as a gas cooker, refrigerator, sink. Selection of equipment depends only on you. When the kitchen is small, the equipment and sink are to be compact.

There are sinks of various shapes and dimensions; in our opinion, it is better to select a round sink made from stainless steel. It is smaller than the square one, yet everyone, who has ever used a round sink, will agree that it is more convenient for washing and cleaning, and besides it has a more aesthetic look.
It is very convenient, if the sink has additional ribbed trays for drying dishware, the water then does not spill on the surface of the table top and typically trickles down to the sink. There are models, where the sink is combined with a drying apparatus, but if you have a dishwasher, you can do without a drying apparatus. Instead, choose a sink with two additional compartments for wetting cutlery and rinsing washed dishware. The drawback of the combined multisection sink is that it takes up too much space. If you have some room, buy a wider 800-mm table top instead of a standard 600-mm one. Then the part of the table top that adjoins the wall can be lifted for 15-20 mm – and you will have a convenient shelf. Under under the table top you can have a special cavity 20 cm deep that will allow you to conceal drain equipment. As a result, we get additional space under the sink, where you can put a dishwasher and arrange shelves for cleaners on the remaining space.

The main principle of placing the sink is convenience. It should not be located far from the gas cooker and be connected with it via a common work surface. If the kitchen is small and you planned it as a single line (please refer to the previous article), place the sink in the center, and refrigerator and the gas cooker on each side. A sink in the corner looks good in a big kitchen. The main advantage is economy of space. It is possible to plan a "kitchen island"; in this case the sink perfectly fits into the center of the composition.
One more "must" of the kitchen interior is the gas cooker. Modern cookers with burners and an oven have the same height as the furniture, that is why there are no problems with breaking off the sole horizontal work surface. Neverheless, if the cooker does not match this parameter, it is prefer to choose models with a flap that closes the burners, when food has been cooked.

Inbuilt kitchen equipment is more expensive, yet more convenient. You can use any combination of equipment at your discretion. This principle is called "domino". The basic modules are gas and electric burners, an oven, a cooking panel. Delicatessen-lovers will install a grill, a deep-fryer, a steamer, a brazier. You are absolutely free in the flight of your fancy and can endlessly enrich your arsenal of kitchen innovations. Work with inbuilt models is practical, because you use minimum dishware and have maximum pleasure from cooking. Also important is the fact that cooker hoods are inbuilt as well, they absorb smoke and soot in the horizontal, but not vertical direction. A substantial drawback that prevents many people from buying inbuilt equipment is its high price.

A small fridge, as well as the washing machine, can be put under the work surface. If you need a big fridge, do not forget about the law of non-breaking off the work surface, when you place it.
So, you have taken care about all kitchen components, and in conclusion add to the interior some personal charm, because its "face" should reflect the behaviors of your personality.

Your imagination will prompt what elements of décor are relevant in your interior, these can be flowers, paintings, porcelain collections or just cute trifles. The designers of the best repair and construction companies will help you orientate in the endless variety of kitchen furniture and household appliances. With their help your kitchen will be not only convenient and cozy, but will also become a unique reflection of your personality.