Play For Our Future

The future is shaped by the toys our children play with today. Whether we realize it or not, our children are expressing themselves – their interests, fears and talents – through play. As parents, our job is to watch and listen and encourage them.

Here are three case studies of our children's toys and how their play is already impacting the future:

· Four-year-old Emma dons her junior doctor scrubs and her play stethoscope. She gently assures her doll that her shot will not hurt and that she is being very brave, just as Amanda's own mother has assured her. Instead of feeling afraid, Amanda is now in control as the doctor. Discovering that she has the ability to make her dolls (and someday other children) feel safe and protected, Amanda begins her interest in science and the human body.

· Six-year-old Aaron's musical talent was first unearthed as a preschooler while playing with his toy piano he got for Christmas. For his birthday he begged for a guitar, a drum set, and a keyboard. Now, Aaron hones his natural abilities discovered through toy play with real piano lessons, vowing someday to play in an orchestra in front of hundreds of people.

· The parents of five-year-old Josh were amazed at the creativity he displayed when creating elaborate stories for his puppet characters in his puppet theater. Josh sent hours developing intricate plot lines and quirky characters. His parents started writing his stories down. Josh proudly exclaims that someday he wants to become an author and have his stories in the books he sees in bookstores.

The future starts now … so lets PLAY !!!