English Bulldog Training – 4 Things You Have to Know About English Bulldog Training

One of the many things I've learned through my life as a dog trainer and breeder is the intelligence that the English bulldog posses. These are extremely intelligent creatures and are very quick to learn and extra eager to please their owners. It should be said however, that it takes take special techniques and the proper knowledge of English bulldog training to get it just right. While there is no possible way to cram everything you need to know about training you¡¯re English bulldog into one small article, here are some basic guidelines to follow by:

The first thing you need to know is that the English bulldog is a very smart animal that responds very well to almost any kind of activity that involves him / her having to undergo the problem solving process. However, as smart as this dog is, it does have a tendency to be rather lazy and inactive, so stimulation for this breed needs to occur over a longer period of time in small and short sessions. Anything over 15 minutes and you're English bulldog will probably get too bored and simply walk off.

The second thing you need to note is that because of the English bulldog's tendency to be on the lazy and cozy side of things, it is not a very physically active dog, even though its build might make it appear to be. Of course it is still very important that you through the life of the dog, small exercise sessions are put into the English bulldog training routine. This is not just so the dog can expel energy and become more focused for training sessions, but for the dog's health as well.

Thirdly, the English bulldog while lazy can have a dominance streak in its personality; this of course needs to be cured. When training an English bulldog, the owner has to be strong and firm, while always avoiding hitting the animal. While these breed does not require an extremely dominant personality in its master, it does need someone who is at least semi-dominate to ensure that the bulldog does not get too out of hand and grows up to be well mannered.

The last, but certainly far from least English bulldog training principle that needs to be stated is that of proper socialization. This is true for any breed of dog, and far too often do I see it never mentioned and left out of a dogs training routine all together. This principle is far too essential to let it go without a second thought. If you do not properly socialize and dog, it will become overly aggressive and protective towards any other animals or strangers outside of the family he / her knows. This is always a bad characteristic in a dog and can sometimes be a dangerous one. Ensure that you're English bulldog undergoes the correct process for socialization.

Again, these are only 4 very important principals out of very many other important English bulldog training principles. It is my very strong professional recommendation that you seek out more information on English bulldog training for you 'pet immediately immediately after this article, there's no reason to wait. This is far to important of a subject to just let it slide by, you're pets health and happiness depends on it!