That Was Then, This Is Now – Making Yourself Beautiful, Natural Beauty Secret

I can remember so many years ago as a little girl watching my mom putting her make-up on for what at that time seemed like hours. I cherish those times now remembering how she would take the time to point out all the different products she used to "make herself pretty". On very special occasions she would even make me prettier with her beloved products!

Of course I always thought she was beautiful with or without the make-up, but my mom would never ever dare go out without fixing herself up first. I remember camping trips, and trips to the beach that required a special bag in the trunk of our car for mom's precious cosmetics … all of them.

Ah the memories! I have very fond memories of being that little girl feeling like a little princess all dolled up with expensive make-ups. Lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, the list goes on and on, but I also clearly remember even way back then that my face would feel heavy and icky very shortly afterwards. Sure, I looked pretty but soon I would not feel that way. I asked my mom about it a couple of times and she would just say "oh, you get used to it".

Perhaps I am not your average gal, but I never really got used to the feeling of wearing most cosmetics. During high school and college I tried literally hundreds of products many promising to be lightweight and breathable, but I never really found that perfect product for me. I would usually prefer to go "au naturel", but realistically it's not very often that's an option. Is it?

That was then, and this is now. Fast forward about 30 years. Here I am now with 8 and 6 year old daughters. My own little protégés. I take every chance I get to spend time with my daughters much like my mom did so many years ago. But when it comes to teaching them the make-up applications "of the past" I guess I would be what some considered a failure. The reason being is I no longer have the need to buy hundreds of dollars worth of different kinds of products. The bottles, tubes, and compacts that used to fill up my vanity are gone. I now have one compact. One revolutionary all-in-one cosmetic that does the complete job. It's my blush, foundation, eye shadow, concealer, brow / lip color and more. Appropriately named, Go Naturals gentle formula contains vitamins and minerals and is safe on sensitive skin. It never looks or feels caked on. I can apply in just seconds with no special technique. Just brush on and go. It's That Easy!

So I guess I do teach my little girls a very valuable lesson! My own natural beauty secret.

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