Raising Alpacas – 10 Tips That will Make an Alpaca Smile

Are you raising alpacas or dreaming of owning some of these exotic animals one day? Here are 10 tips to follow that will make an alpaca smile.

1. Humans like to have some alone time occasionally. Not so with camelids. They become very stressed if alone. They are herd animals and need company. If one needs to be removed from the herd, assign them a buddy to accompany them. That will keep them happy and relaxed.

2. When raising these luxurious fiber producers, think like an alpaca. The better you understand how an they think, the better you will be able to handle your camelid friends. There are handling classes available that will help you learn to think like an alpaca. (Do not carry this over into other aspects of your life or co-workers will make fun of you around the water cooler and your friends and family may have you committed.)

3. The young like to play. A simple mound of dirt in the past to play king of the hill on will bring a wag to your alpacas tail.

4. Raising alpacas in the summertime is easy. Do you like swimming in a pool to cool off? Well, so do camelids. A small plastic pool for them to wade in makes them happy. Or when filling a water tank, let it overflow and watch your alpacas splash and lay in the water. Or spray them on the chest and belly with water from a hose. They will line up for this summertime treat.

5. Provide lots of shade in hot weather. Plant trees or have buildings that provide shade. During the hot part of the day you'll find all your alpacas lounging under the trees with grins on their lips.

6. One thing they really dislike is wind. Provide windbreaks and your alpacas will be happy.

7. Quality food is very important when raising alpacas. Be very choosy when purchasing hay. Do not get hay that has a lot of hard stems in it. The stems are difficult for alpacas to chew and they will leave all the hard stems. Choose grassy hay and your alpacas will beam.

8. Provide lots of space. Alpacas, especially the young, like to race and play. Four to five fiber bearing animals per acre gives them lots of room to stretch their legs.

9. Would you like worms crawling around in your intestines? Neither do alpacas. Regularly worm your fleece critters and you will not have unhealthy, thin animals. You'll have alpacas that are fat and happy.

10. Happy feet, happy alpacas. If you let the toenails on an alpaca curl, they can break off, cause problems, and make your alpaca lame. Simple regular toenail trimmings can prevent problems and keep your alpacas smiling.

Raising alpacas is easy and rewarding. Alpacas live for 15-20 years and can provide you with lots of smiles. Why not return the favor by following these 10 tips and make an alpaca smile?