Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder in medical terms is referred to as psychiatric anxiety disorder, which is related to the characteristics of a person's obsessive, intrusive thoughts, disturbing and other related compulsions. Obsessive compulsion disorder is, let's rather say an illness which makes a person do undesired things against will. These may include unwanted thoughts or behaviors, which are repeated again and again. For example for a person brushing teeth after every meal is a habit for you, this is an obsession. You may not agree but we come across a lot of obsessions in our daily life. Another example is checking if all the lights in the house are off or not before leaving the house. Even if you have checked it once you want to do it again. Later while just sitting in the car you might again go check it. These kinds of thoughts come again and again.

Now what do we mean by obsessions? Obsessions are images, ideas or signals send to the brain every now and then. A person having OCD may find these thoughts disturbing them but they can not control them from coming to their mind. Sometimes these thoughts come once in a while which do not annoy you so much but for the person who has ODC these thoughts take control over their minds all the time.

What are compulsions?

People having obsessive thoughts feel nervous and are afraid. They want to get rid of these thoughts which are killing them all the time. They end up performing those tasks without being able to do anything regarding it.

For example if a person is obsessive about germs then he must be washing his hands from time to time. Even if they are clean, he does want to wash them. Some of the most common obsessive compulsion disorders found in a person is, cleaning, grooming, and showering from time to time. Some people just go on checking their drawers, safety locks, door locks, checking all the appliances if they are shut. After dong all of this stuff they will again start from scratches with the drawers. Some people will safe letters, newspapers or containers even if they are no longer need.

From a long time researchers and doctors were thinking that OCD is very rare. Although the recent studies came up with the results stating that around 3 millions of Americans suffer from it, in the range of 18 to 54 years of age. There is no partiality with men and women when it comes to OCD, it affects both of them equally. There is no explanation why OCD is caused. Some researchers feel that it is due to the singles or chemicals sent to the brain through the nerve cells. A chemical named serotonin, which keeps tracks or help a person to do things repeatedly, may be a reason. A person having less serotonin is very close to get catch of OCD.

A simple treatment to treat OCD is to go under hypnosis which will certainly help you from stopping obsessive thoughts coming to your mind. For this treatment you do not need to spend a lot because hypnosis treatment for OCD is available on the Internet. There are a lot of mp3 and videos which you can download and follow the results and sessions. After you are finished with it you no longer are suffering from OCD and you can control yourself without being prone to idiosyncratic hits.