Cell Phones – Advantages and Disadvantages

Besta gisting í Naselba Dračevo og nágrenni, Norður-Makedónía
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Cell phones are a mind blowing invention of the current century. If you take a look few years back, a mobile was not measured as a necessity, but it was rather seen as a luxury that was available to a minute group of people. It was not affordable by everyone and only high class or business people actually owned one. But presently, life without mobile seems impossible. No one can imagine a life without a cell phone. Many people don’t even leave their home without it. No matter what is the age, people all across the global village are addicted to cell phone.

There are thousand reasons behind its popularity in such a short span of time but mainly it is because of the fact that mobile phones are no longer considered just as a hand phone but they have transformed into a technological device, offering various technologies such as GPS, music player, PDA and much more. To stay in competition, almost every week, manufacturers all over the world are introducing a new model with upgraded features that fits best to your lifestyle.

Large number of people finds it to be a convenient mean to interact with others. With the blink of an eye you can contact with anyone across the globe. Nowadays, mobile phones are constantly being update which allows you to enjoy a wide range of new features. Based on the mobile model now you can easily watch television on your handset, can play huge number of games, can surf for information from internet, can receive or send electronic mail, can send or take 3D pictures, keep a balance tracks of important meetings and appointment via reminders, store a huge list of contacts with complete description and a lot more.

In simple words, a mobile phone is a need of every individual. Nowadays, the need has also transformed into a fashion. People opt for expensive mobile devices to impress others. Every phone has an option of ‘customize your phone’ through which users can easily adjust the phone according to the environment or taste.

You will come across with many such parents who gift their children with a cell phone. This is not because they want to provide their children with a new technology but the major reason behind it is their safety. Mobile phone can proof to be the best source of protection in case of emergency.

Everything has pro and cons, and cell phone has its drawbacks as well. Following are some drawbacks of cell phone:

1- Health issues: Recent research says that radiations emitted by the cell phone results in blurring of eye sight, earaches, and headache and can even lead to cancer.

2- No privacy: If somehow your cell is misplaced, it will lead you to a couple of difficulties; unless you have put on strong passwords which are not easily breakable with software.

3- Cell phone and driving: Mostly, accident occurs because of carelessness and the major reason behind it is the use of mobile while driving.

No matter what are the disadvantages of using cell phone, its pros are simply uncountable. These advantages have made people an addict of the cell phone.