How to Groom Your Guy in 5 Ways

When my husband and I started getting to know each other, the first thing I noticed as a beauty therapist was how bad his skin was. Not that he had any major problems; His skin was just neglected, in need of some TLC. And I told him so.

Ever keen to impress, he asked me what he should do about it. So me being my helpful self, I proceeded to educate him about skincare.

A little while and a couple of hundred dollars later he left the shop with a bulging bag and a dazed expression on his face. And then he married me. I guess he thought this was the cheaper option. We still talk about that day.

Today however, male grooming is becoming big business. One cosmetic company after another are launching new mens ranges, eager to capitalize this new trend of men looking to look and feel their best. But if your guy is not ready just yet to go out and get his own skincare range, here are a few tips to help him out.

1) Men are creatures of habit! Do not introduce too many products all at once. It will just overwhelm him and he will not use them at all. Start with one product, maybe a cleanser and when it is comfortable using it introduce the next item. Eg: moisturiser.

2) He does not need a separate mens range! Yes it's true mens skin is generally a bit thicker and oilier than womens but some men have dry, dehydrated skins too. There is nothing in mens skincare ranges that makes it especially for men. Other than packaging. He can use yours or you can use his. As long as it's tailor to his skin type.

3) Generally men do not like products that are highly fragranced! If you want to encourage him to use your products opt for low fragranced ranges. This is better for you as well because fragrance is the No1 skin allergen.

4) Place products in a convenient place! I found through experience that if a product is nicely it will be used. That's why I keep my cleansers and scrubs in the shower and my eye cream, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen in one basket in the bathroom cabinet. So when you pull it out it's all there ready to be used without having to search for it. Remember tip 1!

5) Finally, if there is one thing you must get your trained to do is wear sunscreen daily! Statistics show that men still do not do this. Sure they slip, slop, slap when going to the beach but forget about sun exposure during the course of everyday living. Either get him to use a moisturizer with a high SPF or use an oil free sunscreen such as Clinique City block 30+ or ​​Megan Gale invisible zinc.

The great thing about males is that they want to look good without much fuss. So by making a few suggestions and introducing a few products into his daily routine, he will soon notice the difference in his skin. And because they are creatures of habit once the habit is established they will be hooked. Not that they will ever admit it!