Growing Organic Tomato Plants

With the rising concerns of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on fruits and vegetables sold in the supermarket, people are now turning to organic alternatives including growing organic tomato plants.

Growing tomatoes organically can have plenty of benefits. It provides you fresh tomatoes with no harmful side effects of chemicals and pesticides usually common in commercially grown tomatoes. It also offers you economic benefits since you don’t have to buy from the supermarket since tomatoes are growing in your garden. It is beneficial to your health. Gardening is a great stress and tension reliever.

The key to growing organic tomato plants is to avoid using pesticides containing inorganic ingredients and the first thing to consider is to use organic matters like organic soil. To make your soil organic, you need compost. Compost is the result of turning your natural wastes from the kitchen or garden into plant food or soil modifier. It resembles the soil in appearance such as black humus and odor and rich in nutrients needed for the plant to grow. Used in soil, compost will benefit the tomato plants with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous.

Another important element in growing organic tomatoes is the use of organic fertilizer every other week to supplement their growth. After each flush of the tomatoes, fertilize again. Choose a balanced organic fertilizer mixed in the soil. Instead of chemical ingredients, organic fertilizers compose of plants, animals and minerals.

Fertilizers made of synthetic ingredients may be harmful to your health since no matter how you wash and clean your produce, you can never reverse the effect of the chemicals in your tomatoes produced by synthetic materials. You have a greater chance of consuming chemicals which can be toxic.

Grow mulched tomatoes attached to a trellis or on stakes or wire cage to provide sufficient air supply and protection from soil diseases. Most organic tomatoes grow as high as six feet.

Organic and inorganic tomatoes need sufficient water as it grows. They need regular, frequent watering to avoid wilting. A wilted organic tomato will produce less fruit.

When choosing the best tomato variety to plant, research online for information about the varieties with good track record grown in your area. Choose the variety of tomato which is disease-resistant hybrids and reliable heirlooms.

Growing organic tomato plants can start a life-long love for gardening and healthy living. You can now have an alternative to the chemically pesticide grown vegetables including tomatoes. Growing an organic tomato garden will surely give you a quality and healthy life.