When Is Folic Acid Important? – What Everybody Should Know

Do you feel overwhelmed the amount of information that is available on the effects of vitamins in your body? It seems like every day someone is publishing a new study on the effect of this vitamin or that vitamin. It is all too easy to end up feeling very confused and uncertain about what your body really needs. Folic acid is a vitamin that is essential for your health in a number of ways. When is folic acid important?

It seems that a major effect of our modern society on people is depression or mood swings. Research has shown that people affected have high levels of an amino acid called homocysteine. Once this has been corrected with folic acid people have shown a remarkable improvement. In addition to this it has helped many psychiatric patients. These have displayed a remarkable reversal of mental and psychological symptoms. This is most noticeable in the elderly who are suffering from impaired mental function.

When is folic acid important? When it is used in the prevention of neural tube defects. The most common form of this medical condition is spina bifida. In this country, it affects two babies in every 1000 births. Studies have shown that taking 400 micrograms daily in early pregnancy has reduced this condition by 48 to 80%. In fact, the US Public health service recommended that all women of childbearing age should take 400 micrograms daily.

When is this vitamin important? When it helps to reduce the number of heart attacks. High homocysteine levels have been found in approximately 40% of patients with heart disease. It is also linked to strokes and peripheral vascular disease. In this case, a supplement containing folic acid as well as B12 and B6 will reduce the level of this amino acid.

It would be nice to think that you can obtain the recommended daily amount from your diet. Although there are many foods, which do contain folic acid such as spinach, asparagus, iceberg lettuce and lentils these do not always provide a sufficient quantity.

In fact, research carried out showed that people consuming specially fortified food did not increase their folic acid levels. Whereas the people taking 400 micrograms in pill form did show an increase.

In order to increase your daily intake of folic acid you should look for a multivitamin supplement. This will provide you with all the essential vitamins and minerals you need. In addition to this you should also look for a supplement that contains natural ingredients. These should include bacopa extract. Ginger and green tea extract and others besides.

The time you spend in finding such a supplement will be returned in health benefits and an increased feeling of well-being.