The Advantages of Animated Banner Ads

In banner advertising there are static banner ads and then there are animated banners. Today, we will talk about animated advertising banners. We’ve all seen them and there are some that can be, well I’ll just say it, annoying. But there are those that aren’t annoying and really do provide valuable information. With a good animated banner, you can have quite a few advantages over a static advertisement. Let’s look at some of the advantages that an animated custom banner can give you:

Grab Attention

Animated web banner designs can grab a reader’s attention just simply by providing movement on a static page. When a potential customer begins to read a web page and something is moving in their peripheral vision, they are going to notice. This will cause them to either stop reading and look, or to continue reading and look before they click off of the page.

Get More Than One Message Across

Animated custom banners as opposed to static banners have the ability to get across more than one message at a time. For example, maybe you want to prompt a customer to order now, but you also want them to know about a special discount and a new product, you can tell them all of that in one animated advertising banner due to the use of different frames.

Make an Impression

Even if your potential customer doesn’t click through on your animated advertisement, they will remember it longer and in more detail than that of a static advertising banner. Maybe the next time they need a product like yours, they will remember you because of your animated banner design.

Increased CTR

Animated banners make readers curious. Whether you are making a sale or not, you will still have a higher CTR with an animated banner than with a static banner. In this sense, an animated banner ad is already more successful because just by increasing your CTR, you are generating more branding for your business.