What Does it Take to Become a Successful Athlete

Many athletes go through their sporting career without ever reaching their full potential. Many realize that being a successful athlete requires more than just practicing the necessary skills for their sport.

How is Success Defined? Success is the ability of the athlete to achieve a high level of performance every time they are in a competitive situation. It is the ability to consistently produce their best performance day after day and to continually improve. It is also the ability to maintain a high level of performance when faced with various challenges whether from within or from an external source.

Being successful means being able to consistently perform each required skill at a level that is demanded of the athlete when in battle. Success is achieving goals and then formulating longer term goals to be achieved.

Success is often defined by an athlete’s results over their career. Success in sports should not be defined by monetary gain. Remember that the key to success is consistency. It is also being able to enjoy what you are doing in your sport.

How to be successful – First of all the athlete should set goals and know where he or she wants to go within their sport. Without goals, you have nothing to achieve and progress. These goals need to be specific to your sport and realistic. Set goals for the short, intermediate and long term. Each time you achieve one of these goals then you have been successful.

Understand what is required to be successful.By this I mean you have to conduct a needs analysis of your sport by analysing the skills that need to be learned and mastered. To be the best you can be you have to strive to achieve your best in every area of the game.

Be disciplined in everything you do. Be disciplined in arriving early for practice, having your equipment ready and in working order, following through on your designated tasks for each day, and setting the standard for others around you to follow your high expectations. If faced by cheating or confrontational opponents; the athlete is disciplined enough not to retaliate and lose their focus.

Evaluate your goals on a daily basis as well as your performance. Learn that some days are better than others but are not a sign of permanent deteriorating performance levels. Evaluate how your body responds to new training methods and exercises. Evaluate your progression in each fitness component and adjust any variables that need to be changed. Be honest and precise in your evaluations as you will only be cheating yourself. Evaluate what areas need to be improved on.

Self-belief is essential. You have to believe in what you are doing. Be honest with yourself and assess how your are going with achieving your goals.

You must have fun and enjoy what you are doing. You have to love what you are doing. If you don’t, then you need to evaluate and assess the reasons for being involved in the sport. Playing, training and competing should be fun even when faced with difficult challenges. The athlete should look forward to the next days practice sessions and really misses their sport when taking a break.

You understand the importance of rest and recovery. The athlete understands that they need to take periodic breaks from their sport. While on these breaks they assess their goals and look forward to returning to playing again.The athlete understands what their body is telling them and accepts these messages.

Self-discipline is a key component to being successful. Having the discipline to do whatever you have to and make what ever sacrifices necessary to perform at your best when in competition.

Self-realization is simply being the best athlete you can be. Your success will be unlimited once you believe in yourself and what you are doing. You are in control of your own destiny and you must control what you say, what you do, and how you react both on and off the playing field.

Success is defined in many ways but success shouldn’t be defined by monetary gain. Many athletes are successful without making a living from their sport.