Tips on Golf

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Golf is a competitive sport, and a very famous recreational activity played by people of different ages and with different ability. Golf retains its players throughout their lifetime, unlike any other sport. Golfers in their eighties claim to be physically and mentally fit. Golf strengthens the shoulders as well as the back, and helps to maintain spine rotation, which is necessary for healthy back.

There are many golf tips which are very useful for those who need to gather more information about the sport.

Basic golf tips

A proper grip on the golf stick reduces the tendency to slice. A good grip keeps the club head square at impact and keep the shaft from turning in your hands. Try for a relaxed and comfortable feel. A tight grip will hinder your rhythm and release.

Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing in order to develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Make sure that you are comfortable with your grip. It is important to develop a neutral grip during the swing. Every golfer has different types of swings and grips.

Golf is usually regarded as a gentle aerobic activity that does not require superb fitness to play. To reduce the risk of an injury, a reasonable level of fitness is necessary. A certain level of stamina and flexibility also enhances the performance and enjoyment. Each of the four phases of golf swing (take away or back swing, acceleration or down swing, impact and follow through) imposes stress on specific areas of the body, particularly the wrists, lower back, and outside of the elbow.

Stretching exercises for the back, upper body and legs improve flexibility and reduce the injuries caused by rotational stresses. Strength training and flexibility must involve both sides of the body as the golf swing tends to develop one side of the body more than the other. Normally, right handed golfers suffer more injuries down the left side of the body.

Do and don’ts

There are certain golf improvement tips which you should be aware of. These tips will certainly improve your knowledge about the game. Never grip the club too tightly. Tight grips inhibit a smooth swing and follow through. Always keep the grips on the club in a good condition as worn grips will force you to hold the club too tightly. When you are learning about the grip for the first time, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and re-gripping the club for a few minutes. Remember to keep the arms relaxed and the fingers secure.

There are many sites which could offer you the golf instruction tips on the internet. If you are a true lover of the game then go and learn about the game as much as you can.