The Job Of A Web Content Editor

The Internet brought with it thousands of new jobs designed for individuals with varied skills. A Web content editor is just one of these roles and it entails working with all different types of websites. This individual is a member of a team of professionals who ensure that a website puts its best foot forward to the world. After all, the site is the backbone of an online business presence.

The job of a Web content editor revolves around the HTML, Flash, JavaScript, and image content of a website. These individuals must be well-versed in Web technologies like CSS and DHTML. Doing so allows them to change or add the appearance or behavior of a Web page. This role differs from that of a Web content manager, who is not required to have these skills but is responsible for Web content writing. The manager determines whether a Web page will have text, images, or videos and how these will be formatted.

These two individuals work hand in hand, with the content manager creating the content for a page and the content editor refining this information to make it more Web-friendly. Since communication is the most important tool in the online world, both roles are important to the success of the site. The message conveyed by the information must be clear and concise in order to hold reader interest. It also must evoke some emotion so readers are inspired to take action.

When the first websites were created, it was possible to use a canned script. This is no longer the case, as the online marketplace is very competitive. A Web content editor ensures that the most powerful words are used to convey a message. This skill is acquired through years of trial and error, something many businesses do not have the luxury of if they wish to remain afloat. When business owners cannot do the task themselves, they must find someone who can.

The average salary for a Web content editor in the U.S. is $59,000. Many small companies cannot afford this expense. Even those that could in past years are finding it increasingly difficult since the economic recession. As a result, some are now contracting out the content editor role and in some cases, the entire Web content management function.

If a business owner does not find the best content editing service, this reduced compensation expense can sometimes come at a cost. Every word on a Web page is an opportunity to make an impression on a prospective customer. If these words are not selected wisely and used effectively, the business will suffer. There is no second chance at making a first impression in this endeavor.

On the other hand, retaining the services of an experience Web content editor should have lasting positive results. Content will be original and will engage readers, persuading them to take the desired action. As more people visit the site, the pages will become more visible in search results lists, increasing the positive outcomes.