Thrifty And Fashionable

Growing up with three sisters, it was important for us to be

well-groomed. We were always borrowing clothes from each other

then returning them clean and pressed. It was a way of streching

our wardrobes and to the outside world we had an endless supply.

We were thrifty without realizing it and no one was the wiser.

The first thrift store was opened in London during the middle

eighteen-hundreds.The Salvation Army went around collecting

donated goods from the working classes and then selling them

to the poor for a fraction of the cost. A few years later,a

Salvation Army store was opened in the lower East side of

Manhattan serving over three million impoverished people.

During the depression, it was shameful to be seen wearing

thrift store cast-offs. Clothes were handed down to another

family member. Shoes were patched, blouses or shirts were

mended or seams torn apart and made over to fit a family recipient. During the nineteen-fifties, wealthy women donated

their clothes to be re-sold. The profits from these upscale

resale shops were shared with the donor or the shop profited

from it. During the nineteen-seventies,thrift stores were

popular with the hippies and the college students searching

for vintage styles.

Now days, thrift store parking lots are filled with luxury cars

as well as the more modest ones reflecting the escalating prices.

The stores have become so profitable that the same people they

once helped cannot afford to shop there. Thrift stores like

Goodwill have some quality items and at clothing items are auctioned in the same way as on ebay. Although, it is better to visit their stores for more of a variety of items and sizes.

Kate Magazine is an online shopping magazine and she gives sound advice for buying vintage clothes and sizing them correctly. Also, she has links to resale shops and a newsletter that can be sent to an online email inbox. She also gives shopping tips about what time of year the mall outlets sell their merchandise at the lowest prices. A city’s online yellow pages is a good source for locating the names of local thrift stores and resale shops.

After finding a favorite thrift store, resale shop or mall outlet, it is wise to visit it frequently in order to keep up with the changing merchandise. It is a good idea to check the

thrift store, resale shop or mall outlet’s refund or exchange

policy because a lot of them do not allow it.Shopping at these

establishments is a unique way to add to an existing wardrobe

without going over a limited clothing budget.