French Tapestries Add Romance To Your Home Decor

Tapestries have been around since mankind first learned how to weave. In fact, some of the earliest examples date back to the time of the ancient civilizations who created looms that could create amazing works of art that were also functional.

Of course, most experts will tell you that the very best tapestries came from France, when the very best weavers in the world – those toiling away in the manufacturings in Gobelins – created some of the most beautiful tapestries ever designed.

Many of these were influenced by the French artists of the time. Back then, it was common to take paintings, even those from relatively unknown artists of their time, and create tapestries from them.

Today, we can benefit from their passion for their work for they have preserved some of the greatest works in woven form. This is particularly true in the case of French painters, including the groundbreaking work of Francois Boucher.

Boucher was extremely versatile. While he could paint scenics and portraits, his first love was the world of enchantment. As a young artist of just 20, he won the Prix de Rome. At 31, he was a member of the Academie Royale and worked on his first commission for Versailles the following year.

A leading proponent of the Rococo style, he became the supervisor of the Gobelins manufacturer, which was to have a significant and lasting impact on the arts throughout Europe, from porcelain to tapestry.

His romantic themes can be found in all of his works done during this time. Though often copied, Boucher’s work has been rarely equaled, except by the likes of Rubens.

Adding his French tapestries to your home instills a romantic touch that is both distinctive and sophisticated. Few artists have mastered the delicate balance between fantasy and reality as Boucher’s paintings and resulting tapestries, whether it is a simple romantic scene or a pastoral landscape.

That may be one of the reasons his French tapestries are so popular today. They recall a simpler, more romantic time that many collectors and homeowners long to portray in their residences.

Since the original Boucher’s are priceless, these French tapestries are a great way to portray his brilliance without busting a budget. It also lets visitors know that you not only know art, but artistry as well. While it’s easy to buy a copy of his painted work, a tapestry shows that you have a love of Boucher and fine tapestries at the same time.

In the world of French tapestries, the work of Francois Boucher plays an important role. His body of work spans history, mythology, landscape, portraits and ordinary life so it’s relatively easy to find a work that fits your decor and personal tastes in art.

One thing is for sure. Boucher’s artistry will not only add beauty to your home, but a touch of romance and sensual intrigue that you’ll love for years to come.