Time to Change

Fat is unhealthy!

This article is directed at both mens’ and womens’ health.

You’re reading this article because you’ve come to the realization that you are overweight and that your lifestyle must change. You don’t feel well, you are not physically fit, sex is an activity of the past, you can’t buy clothes and your doctor has put you on a drug cocktail to control high blood pressure, high cholesterol, perhaps diabetes, and a variety of other obesity induced health problems. And that drug cocktail only makes you feel worse! It is time to remake yourself!

You can lose all of that weight, keep it off, get healthy and not buy into any expensive Fad Diets! Common sense is what it takes! Common sense and dedication to your weight loss goals. Over the past year I’ve lost 60 pounds. A little over a year ago I topped the scale at 260 pounds and 300 pounds was “just around the corner”. Today, I am physically fit, look great and I feel like a man half my age. My sex drive and sexual performance have returned. My doctor has taken me off the medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol I was taking (the high cholesterol medication made me feel terrible!!!). My trousers have gone from a tight 40 inch waist to a loose 34 inch waist! My goal is 175 pounds. I will do it. I will get there! I will never be fat again! And you can do the same!

Permanent weight loss and the resultant change of lifestyle is work but it isn’t difficult. Weight loss does require a long term physical and emotional commitment. Be sure of your reasons for wanting to lose the weight. Dedicate yourself to your goal and you will need no special diets, no magic pills. Create a weight loss plan for yourself and stick to it. If it doesn’t work to your satisfaction change it. You will eventually find a plan that works. Don’t become addicted to the scale, but do measure your progress. Find a support system for yourself. Be sure that your family and friends want you to lose the weight and will support you in your makeover. Some of those closest to you may feel threatened when you lose weight and your health and fitness return. After all – your weight loss may point out their own problems with obesity; problems they may not want to face. Of course, you can’t leave your family and friends; but there are many weight loss support groups available that can help you.

We all have to eat. So feel good about food – don’t starve yourself – starvation doesn’t work; you’ll only get fatter. Use common sense, change what you eat and how much you eat (Portion Control).

Your new diet should consist, primarily of fruit, vegetables, fresh poultry, fish and the occasional red meat. The nutrients you need aren’t all to be found in dairy products, red meat and processed bread. One cause of overeating is that the body isn’t getting enough vitamins and minerals from the food consumed – so we eat more to make up for the deficiency. A broad and varied diet of high fiber fruit and vegetables is more filling and soon they will begin to replace much of the meat and other high fat food that made you fat and you’ll notice how quickly the weight falls off you.

When I go to the supermarket now, I shop only in the fresh produce, meat, fish and poultry sections. I eat only fresh, whole foods; whole grain bread – no processed food. No “manufactured” bread. The corporations have taken over our minds and our health. Just look at the wide array of chemicals on sale! Is it any wonder we all weigh 300 pounds. Throw that yoke off! The markets are selling obesity and disease. And the amount of it that Americans eat is insane! Every time we consume this chemical and fat filled “food” we may as well swallow arsenic because, like arsenic, it will eventually kill us.

Learn to eat right, avoid restaurants (especially the fast food joints and chain restaurants). The average restaurant meal is two to three times the portion of food you need. And where does that excess food go – right to your waist! My change to eating fresh, whole food only, together with portion control and exercise is the only thing that has allowed me to lose the weight I have – 60 pounds in 12 months – 5 pounds per month! It has not been easy, but I did it and so can you!

You have to burn off what calories you consume and then some, otherwise you will continue to gain weight. Diet alone isn’t enough. Exercise is as important to your weight loss goal as the type and quantity of food you eat. Increased metabolism and muscle mass burn calories.

Exercise! Breathe! Pump oxygen through your body!

Move! Once you do, you’ll love the way you feel. Exercise during as many daily activities as you can – take the stairs rather than the elevator, walk to the store rather than drive. And work out to your favorite exercise TV show for 30 minutes or more every day. Create a modest/low impact exercise schedule at first. A brisk walk while carrying 5 pound dumb bells is great, for example. Believe me; in the beginning you won’t be able to do much. But get moving! I give myself a good workout of 1 to 1-1/2 hours every day (how I lose 5 pounds per month). Most men 20 years younger than I don’t look as good as I look. My workouts are a combination of aerobics and weight resistance training. I could never get into the gyms. I could rarely fit a visit into my busy schedule and when I did the gyms were always mobbed. So… I exercise at home. And you can do the same. Find your own level of exercise to fit your schedule and ability. Don’t get discouraged, just get moving and keep moving.