Health And Wellness Products – How To Make Your Own

Health and wellness products will mean very different things to different people.

Wellness can be defined as ‘the pursuit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

For the benefit of this article, wellness products are being looked at in the context

of ‘over the counter drugs, health supplements and health remedies.

While for some people, wellness products might be viewed as an aid to recovery

from illness, for others it might be a means of further enhancing some

aspect of their current health. The variety of and uses for such products

are as numerous as are the the definitions of wellness products or wellness

programs, depending of course upon who is promoting them at any given time.

Whatever your reasons for pursuing alternative care health or health and wellness

products, a common goal is to achieve optimised health and well-being.

There are powerful media images hailing the benefits and safety of many over the

counter drugs, supplements and health and wellness products, every where you turn

these days. They have equally strong claims of being the one and only miracle cure

or solution for one ailment or another. How accurate are these claims though, and

what are the real costs to you in monetary and health risk terms?

Immediately after reading this article, go take a look and do a quick add-up of the

total cost of all the health and wellness products you currently have in stock. I’m

sure the figure will surprise you just as much as learning about the very real and

harmful side effects which can be caused by some of these drugs or supplements

that are supposed to be contributing to your overall state of wellness.

You may also be surprised to know that many of the ‘over the counter drugs you

buy on a regular basis, simply treat the symptoms and not the real health issue.

Needless to say, this approach of focusing on the symptom, side-steps

the crucial requirement of getting to the root cause of your condition or whatever

it is that ails you.

You’re most likely to pursue a wellness product either because you are becoming

wary of the adverse effects of chemically produced drugs or because you’re keen to

recover from ill-health and improve a specific health condition. In some instances it

might be that you just want to optimise your current state of good health.

While some health and wellness products can be an effective measure toward

improving your health, you should note that long-term use of certain over the counter

drugs and some supplements can cause you more harm than good, with the long-

term implications far outweighing any short-term benefits. You may well find that

you are paying far too high a price on the basis of a mere quick fix promise.

For thousands of years, people in lands far and wide have used natural homemade

remedies to manage their health conditions and wellness needs, without manufactured

health and wellness products, that can be detrimental to health. They have purely relied

upon attaining or maintaining health by plants or by other natural means.

It could be argued that with the emergence of chemical and pharmacological methods,

many forms of this natural means to health and wellness have declined. In fact, even

by today’s standards, there are many so-called under-developed countries where

inhabitants’ rely on nothing more than homemade health and wellness products,

gained via natural methods of plants or plant-based extracts.

While conventional medicine relies on scientifically backed research to substantiate

effectiveness and safety. In contrast, similar cannot be said about some alternative

medicines or health and wellness products. There is no such requirement but their

promotion as regard effectiveness are deemed sufficient in themselves as support

for therapeutic or wellness claims.

Herbal remedies in general are harmless, however, certain claims being made by

some health and wellness products promoters, (under the banner of being

‘natural’)) can insinuate their health and fitness products being the

exclusive answer to your health condition or wellness questions, thus putting you

at great risk. Secondly, how open are they being about what’s really inside? You

should always consult your physician over any health concerns, as well as discussing

with him/her your intention or choice of alternative means for treatment with any

health and wellness product or remedy.

Multi-billion-dollar industries have long weald their power by way of

lobbying to gain exemption from FDA regulation. This has been exactly the

case, according to the Skeptical Inquirer, who, on commenting on

the ‘dietary supplement industry back in 1994, states – “Since then, these

products have flooded the market, subject only to the scruples of their


The above point is an important one to note in that, while health and wellness

products manufacturers may list ingredients and quantities being used in

specific health and wellness products, there has been no real pressure on them to

do so, or to do so accurately. Furthermore, neither has there been any

watchdog body to ensure they are penalised for this failing.

So, what are the alternatives open to you? Increasingly, more and more people

are turning to do-it-yourself health and wellness homemade herbal remedies.

The distinct difference being that in making your own health and wellness products,

you are in the driving seat. Not only do you have a full awareness of exactly

what the ingredients are and the true quantities, but with the appropriate level of

guidance from a reputable practitioner, you’re more conversant with any health

implications, if any.

With the right know-how, you too can draw on the old-fashioned yet effective

sources to greatly improve your health. For instance, using naturally prepared

herbs, vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, essential oils and flower

essences to create real healing solutions that deal with particular health

conditions rather than just the symptoms.

It is in the interest of a health and wellness product manufacturers to promote their

products as being the only option open to you. They don’t want you to know about

the abundant natural resources and health-giving potent attributes of herbs and home

remedies which have been used effectively for thousands of years. You see, these

remedies cannot be patented because you can make them yourself and at a

fraction of the cost.

Whether your goal is to overcome illness, drugs intolerance, allergies or just to

optimise your already good health, with a little know-how, you can start making

your own health and wellness products and remedies, using nothing more than the

readily available natural resources in your home and garden. Not only will you

save your hard earned cash, you also alleviate the risk of serious or harmful

additives and side effects.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can treat numerous common ailments without the harsh side effects, using nothing but natural herbs, vitamins

and nutrients you prepare yourself at home? For instance, did you know that

placing yogurt on your face help to bring water from the deeper layers

of your skin to the surface, moisturizing your skin for the rest of the day and hiding


Here are just a few more of the many quick and effective remedies you can learn

to make:

1. Natural laxatives

2. Beauty recipes

3. Skin care and cleansing preparations such as acne treatment

3. Herbal shampoos as well as how to treat hair loss

5. Dermatitis

6. Menstrual Pain and PMS Symptoms