Pet Clothing

Pet clothing is rapidly growing in popularity, with a growing number of pet stores and specialist suppliers offering ranges of pet clothing. It’s fair to say that although some clothing can be found for cats, the vast majority of the pet clothing market addresses the sartorial requirements of pet dogs, perhaps because they are more amenable to being dressed up!

Why Would My Dog Need Clothes?

While it’s true that much of the pet clothing on sale is aimed at the fashion-conscious pet owner, there are situations where your dog may really benefit from a warm coat, especially when they get older.

After a long winter walk, older dogs will be tired and their body temperature may begin to drop slightly as they cool down – if they are going to have to remain outside for any length of time, it can be a good idea to have a coat or sweater to hand to prevent your dog catching a chill.

Another scenario where clothing can be useful is when your dog is recovering from an invasive operation or has some kind of persistent itch – a coat will stop them being able to scratch and reopen the wound or aggravate the itching area.

In The Family Way

If you have a bitch that has not been neutered, there can be a real risk of unwanted pregnancies when she is on heat. It’s possible to get the canine equivalent of a chastity belt, in the form of a pair of knickers, to prevent this. While it may be awkward to put on, it will be nowhere near as awkward as having to look after or find homes for lots of puppies!

Sporting Fashion

A big part of the market for pet clothing is solely aimed at those looking for fashion accessories for their dogs. Sports-style clothing is popular, as are dog-shaped versions of popular clothing lines for young people. Hooded tops, colourful knits, faux leather jackets, trendy vests and t-shirts – all of these and much more are available to give your dog a unique appearance!

Other offerings include dog boots and shoes, dog pyjamas and even waterproof trouser suits that will keep your dog completely dry in the rain.

Fancy Dress

If you have a special day planned and you want to ensure your dog doesn’t feel left out, what about a fancy dress costume? Wedding gowns, bridesmaid outfits, tuxedos, seasonal costumes and more are all available to ensure that your dog feels part of the action and looks it too!

Where Do I Go For Pet Clothing?

If you’ve been thinking about getting some clothes for your dog, but have not been sure where to look or whether it’s a good idea, hesitate no longer! There are lots of retailers to choose from, whether you want to purchase online or in the flesh. Start looking now, and give your dog a treat!