Team WoP’s Counter-Strike "Pwnage Guide" Review

The blatantly named “Team WoP’s counter-strike pwnage guide” is a new professional Counter-strike guide, developed by Wilson, also known as Pig, and Henry, also known as Payne. Two experienced counter-strike pros, who actually have been playing counter-strike since counter-strike 1.3 (1999.) Several clans asked them earlier to give tips on how to improve the counter-strike skills of other players in the clan, they gave Counter-Strike lessons to those dedicated enough to become better in their gaming. Pig and Payne made it to Cal-main and now they made material for everybody to get. Its a great course I got my hands on five days ago and I am Practicing the material. Lets take a look at it.

What will I get from Team WoP’s Counter-Strike Guide.?

Team WoP’s Counter-Strike Guide contains the following: A 60 Pages Long manual (And still growing), 8 Videos Lessons (And its Constantly Updated With More Videos), and a private 30 minute 1 on 1 lesson with Rew-Sky, to teach you how to own in Counter-Strike. You will Get: Pig and Paynes shooting techniques, tips for all shooting ranges, accuracy and head-shot tips, skills to focus on, recoil control, spray control, a full guide to creating your own clan, burst fire techniques, access to vip area in forums.

What can I expect from the videos in Team WoP’s Counter-Strike Guide?

Real techniques from real counter-strike pros. There is no hacking or cheating involved. The movies is an noted so the techniques on the videos is easy to comprehend, you know what is going on every moment and the movies is also organized by topics.

The videos is including: Counter-strike and PC Optimisation lesson, introduction into Team WoP’s Video Lessons, the Pig Bursting Techniques, Payne’s Bursting Techniques and tips, team WoP’s Awping lesson, and you also get all future Videos and videos in the works, (Mastery in Cal, scrims, pistols, etc.)

What is Cool: The Video lessons and Guide are worth over 10 hours of 1 on 1 training in Counter-Strike. Team WoP’s Counter-Strike Guide is extremely detailed, covering advanced techniques and professional gaming patterns to practice. You get exclusive VIP access To WoP Forums and get instant help and feedback from CAL-M players.

What is not: Beginners get no common counter-strike knowledge like, what guns there are in counter strike. Campers will not learn anything for just that purpose.

Verdict: What I like about this is that, the WoP’s counter-strike guide changes your attitude and bring you a professional view and feeling to it. I have learned details that makes a big difference for me. As a guy whit a lot of bad gaming habits, I am amazed that there is so many demonstrations and tips on how to play the right way.

Implementing the techniques and habits from the videos step by step makes it impossible not to own at counter-strike. Anyone can become a pro at counter-strike, all that is really needed is focus, the right techniques, and a desire to win. The techniques in WoP’s counter-strike guide can also be implemented in other games. For thus who enjoy video games and really want to improve their counter-strike gaming, to be the number one player in your clan or server, Team WoP’s Counter-Strike Guide would be the material you want to get your hands on before your competition does.