Five Smart Office Cleaning Tips and Tricks

The average person spends more than 40 hours every week in the office. Most that time they are working under the constant pressure of meeting deadlines and finishing complicated projects. It is scientifically proved that a cluttered office space has an adverse effect on the workflow. Of course, almost every office uses some commercial cleaning services and counts on professionals to take care the clutter. Still, there are some things that you have to do by yourself. Following are some tips that can significantly support your office cleaning and decluttering duties:

File as you go – One of the most irritating things in the office would be a big pile of papers on the desk. Well, try to organise your office routine in a way that allows you to process all papers as you go. To do that, you can set up some system of file holders that are labelled and create a habit of using them regularly. You may apply the same practice for your computer desktop.

Clean the desk – Do you have the habit of eating your lunch on the desk? If you have, then you should consider cleaning it every time you use it as a kitchen table. Fortunately, cleaning the desk will take you no more than a minute. All you need is some cleaner (window cleaner will work just fine) and some paper towels. Just spray with the cleaner and wait for 30 seconds for it to dissolve the dirt and then wipe with the towels.

Clean the electronics – The most commonly used office electronic device is, of course, the computer and especially the keyboard and the mouse. You are touching these two items during the whole day, and no matter how clean your hands are, the keyboard will always be a breeding ground for all sorts of germ and bacteria. So, the easiest fix would be using antibacterial office cleaning wipes. Remember to clean your keyboard every so often, because it makes a difference.

Find a place for everything – The key to making your workplace more visually appealing is to find a place for everything. For that purpose, assign a place for every object and label it so that you would never forget where you have put something. This is a solid tip for reducing clutter, which in turn would mean less dust to deal with.

Get rid of the desk junk – You might love your collection of colourful cheap pens, the magnet business cards, the calendars or the old bottles. Well, it’s time to get rid of all that junk so that your desk would be clutter-free. This will increase your productivity and make you feel better at work. Remember: your desk is a projection of you. The more cluttered it is, the more people will think of you as disorganised and unreliable.

Once you create the habit of following the above tips, you will see that you will be much more efficient in handling the challenges in the office. Office cleaning and decluttering is a needed step in that direction.