Manage Our Garbage!

Waste management has actually been a huge problem in our daily lives since time immemorial. We can’t hide the fact that some of us don’t throw our wastes in their proper places. Maybe some of us don’t know the bad effects of our actions. These effects include floods, global warming, climate change, and of course, pollution. But we can still make things right. We just have to be informed about the things we can do to help our environment.

The solid wastes we throw in our garbage bins can actually be classified into different groups, we call this process segregation. There are also three R’s that could help minimize the amount of our garbage: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. But in order to apply these three R’s, it would be better for you to identify the wastes according to groups.

We can segregate the wastes into two major classifications: biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Wastes such as left-over foods, grass, egg shells, vegetable and fruit peels belong to biodegradable wastes. They can be good ingredients for compost. If you have a garden, this compost will be healthy for your plants. The non-biodegradable wastes, on the other hand, are those items which can’t be decomposed even after a long period of time. Some of them include ceramics, metals, and glass. These items could be recycled and reused. Some establishments buy and sell such wastes.

Garbage disposal is very important to make your place and environment free from any waste that can cause health diseases. One place in our house that usually accumulates smelly wastes is our kitchen. That is why you have to provide some covered waste bins to contain the smell. This will also prevent insects and rodents that might feed on the garbage. They carry germs and bacteria with them.

Proper waste management is a huge step towards a healthy environment. This may also contribute in preventing some major calamities from happening. If all of us will practice the abovementioned measures, I am sure that we will be able to minimize the amount of garbage.