Grow a Goatee

A man is at his sexiest when he has facial hair. It just shouts sophistication and unparalleled masculinity. How many women would find you attractive with a moustache or a goatee? Get the unfair advantage!


If you’d like to cultivate your facial hair, there are lots of ways to do so. Choices are a full-on beard or a moustache, stubble or goatee. Goatee’s are the best type of facial hair and surpass two-day growth in coolness. Compared to a five o’clock shadow, you appear more sophisticated when the beard is well-trimmed. This style falls between the pencil-thin moustache and a full-on beard. You will surely get noticed in no time fast!

Having made the choice to add a goatee, it’s time to start growing it. If you follow these instructions, you’ll start to develop an attractive goatee very quickly.


Step 1:

Grow out your facial hair. It is not as simple as just shaving. Some people find it harder to grow, but a goatee is one way to achieve a new look in a shorter period of time. Be prepared for nasty comments you might receive from people who think you are too lazy to shave. There can be a little discomfort so be prepared for it. If this is the first occasion you are allowing your hair to grow out, touching your face might feel somewhat uncomfortable. It doesn’t look good if you scratch it.

Step 2:

You should now determine the style of your goatee. Now your beard has grown, you can decide what looks best on your face. Although you can always work on your goatee, you can never change your face. Get some ideas from some magazines and websites. You will be amazed at the number of people who wear one. Don’t be put off by this, everyone looks individual and different.


Take a picture and, using Photoshop, place a goatee on your chin. Figure out what works best with your own looks, using the facial hair you already have.


Step 3.

Shape up. Now you’re ready to mold your beard. You can hire a professional or you can tackle it yourself. Start from the outside and work your way in when you do it by yourself. Be methodical and take your time. You don’t want to shave an essential part of your goatee by hurrying, because you would have to wait it out all over again.


Groom your moustache by trimming. To be sure you don’t look bad, shave the area between your nose and moustache and shape the sharp angles around your jawline. It looks good that way, just trust me. Be careful to keep your goatee even. A lopsided beard is not something people strive for. Finally, maintain your nice, clean look by trimming it regularly.


Step 4:

Goatee maintenance tips. If you shape your goatee, it will look cool, but if you don’t you will look like a slob. Try to get someone to trim it every week. If you do it yourself be cautious because it is harder to trim a goatee than it is to shape it. An electric trimmer with a length selector–much, much easier! Or using a nose trimmer, shape the inner part, part above the goatee and under the lower lip.


Step 5:

Goatees need washing. If you have food lodged in your beard, it will not look good when you are talking with someone. Don’t worry if the goatee begins to acquire some silver hairs. That will just make you appear more distinguished. Don’t try to dye a goatee yourself; pay someone who knows what they’re doing. A poor dye job’s not pretty to look at.


When you have a goatee the effort needed to shape it properly is definitely worth it. Think how much more attention you’ll be getting sporting your new look. No other facial hair can match the quiet power that a goatee will give you. The great thing is, when you are over your goatee, shave it off and think of new ways to catch people’s attention.