How to Buy Fabric Handbags

Fabric handbags are always in style, but they are not all made the same. Whether you buy one made by a well-known designer, or purchase a handmade style sewn by a local work at home mother, there are certain features you will want to consider.

First, think about what materials you want your bag made from. There are many different types, including microfiber, nylon, cotton, denim, corduroy, and canvas. Some materials, such as silk or satin, are perfect for a formal evening bag. On the other hand, if you plan on carrying the bag on a daily basis, you will want to look at other materials, such as cotton or canvas, that are durable and easy to clean.

Another important feature, largely determined by the materials used to construct the bag, is how to care for it. Some fabric handbags can be thrown in the washing machine, while spot cleaning may be the only safe way to clean others. Before buying, see if the bag has a tag with washing instructions. If not, talk to the retailer to find out if they have recommendations for care.

Next, look at how the fabric handbag is constructed. Look carefully at the workmanship of the stitching. Is the workmanship good? Has double stitching been added where the straps meet the body of the bag, as well in other places where the bag may need extra reinforcements? Inferior stitching will cause major problems, including the chance that your bag will literally fall apart at the seams.

Also check out the hardware, including zippers and snaps. It is very frustrating to have a zipper or snap break shortly after purchasing a bag. Make sure these, as well as the other hardware on the purse, are made from quality materials.

This is also a good time to take a look at the shoulder and hand straps. These will experience a lot of wear, so make sure they are reinforced. In addition, try holding the bag for a minute or two. Will it be comfortable to carry?

Finally, consider how you will organize your bag. Pockets can be a great way to keep your purse contents in order. Does it have enough pockets for your needs? To help you keep organized, does the retailer offer matching cosmetic cases and other accessories?

Selecting from the many fabric handbags that are available does not have to be difficult. As long as you take the time to think about your needs, as well as examine the quality of the materials and construction used to make the purse you intend to buy, you should have no problem selecting the best one for your needs.