Xbox 360 Red Light Problem

How much fun are gaming consoles? Get set up with your favorite game and the hours can rush by without you even noticing. Long gone are the days when the Atari was the most advanced gaming unit you could buy and we thought playing tennis with a square ball and two lines as the people was really cool! Back then it was cool.

The gaming consoles that we see today are more powerful than most of the personal computers available when the Atari was king, and it shows. Graphics, game features, basically everything has come a long, long way in a short number of years. However these advances haven’t been made without their problems and unfortunately there seems to be a number of issues that still plague our modern games machines.

One such issue with Microsoft’s Xbox is the three red light problem or the “dreaded red ring of death”. I’m not sure who coined that phrase but it certainly sums up the issue quite well. This usually happens after loading a disc or when the disc needs to read another part of the disc and for some reason has trouble reading the disc and goes into the three red lights dance and this basically spells the end of your game playing until you send it off for expensive, time consuming repairs, or does it?

Thankfully there is plenty of information available for getting over this hurdle and getting back to the most important thing, playing that game that you were so rapped up in before it all went bad. It does not necessarily mean that your days of being able to beat up and shoot anything that moves or the slayer of aliens that make your grandmother look attractive are over for good.

There are many issues that can be solved with the right information and it is no longer a case of sending it off to the manufacturer, waiting forever and getting charged more than the cost of a new unit to repair the old one. You could jump onto a forum and get all sorts of unqualified help that may make things worse or you could be smart and look for proven ways of fixing these issues and enjoy hours upon hours of fun with what you may have thought to be a lost cause.