Linux Quick Start – How to Use Linux Video Tutorials from CD and Run Linux in Windows

Linux video tutorials are an excellent, easy and fast way to get started at learning how to use Linux.

Getting Linux Running in Windows – So You Can Learn How to Use Linux in Windows!

You can download a free Linux virtual machine “player” and a free Linux virtual machine so you can run Linux in Windows.

Just download and quickly install the free Linux virtual machine “player”, the same way you install any Windows program. This takes about twenty minutes.

Then download a free Linux virtual machine and uncompress the virtual machine files into a folder on your Windows hard disk. Not including the download time, this takes about ten minutes.

There is a free sample Linux video tutorial that shows every step of how to: download the free Linux virtual machine player and a free Linux virtual machine, so you can easily run Linux in Windows.

Linux Tips: There are hundreds of free Linux virtual machines available for download for lots of popular Linux distributions (versions), including Ubuntu Linux, Debian Linux, Red Hat Linux, Fedora Linux, SUSE Linux and lots more!

Next, run the virtual machine player and open a virtual machine, in the same way as you run a word processor and open a document – and you easily get Linux in Windows!

So, now you have Linux running in a “window” in Windows. And you can run Linux software programs from the Linux desktop and also open a terminal emulation window, to get to the Linux command line prompt, to run Linux commands.

Linux Tips: To open a terminal emulation window on the Linux desktop to run Linux commands: click on the icon that looks like a computer screen – or right-click on the desktop and select “Linux Terminal” or “Linux Console” (or similar) – or look through the menus and select “Linux Terminal” or “Linux Console” (or similar).

Running Linux Video Tutorials from CD in Windows

Now put in the CD that contains the Linux video tutorials. This causes your browser to automatically run and display the list of Linux video tutorials.

To watch a Linux video, just click on the name of the video tutorial in the list, such as “Running Linux in Windows”, or “Installing Linux from CD / DVD”, or “Learning How to Run Linux Commands” – and the tutorial runs in the browser (in Windows).

So, now you have a Linux video running in your browser and you also have Linux running in another window.

Learning Linux in Windows to Get Real Practical Experience Yourself!

Now here’s the best part about running Linux in Windows to get Linux training.

Not only do you get to watch the Linux videos to see and hear how to use Linux, but you also get to use a Linux desktop to run Linux software programs and most importantly – run Linux commands!

Just start a Linux video, such as “How to Run the Linux grep Command” and watch a bit of how to run the command – step-by-step. Then click on the pause button.

Hold down the Alt key (at the left of the spacebar on your keyboard) and press the Tab key, to go to the Linux command line prompt, in the Linux window.

Now try the Linux command you have just seen – and experiment a bit!

Then hold down Alt and press Tab and go to the Linux video window to watch a bit more of the Linux video and learn some more options of the command.

Then press Alt+Tab again to go to the Linux command line prompt in the Linux window and try the new Linux command options. And so on.

An excellent way to get real, practical Linux training!