How to Get a Bigger, Stronger and Longer Penis Without Pills, Surgery Or Devices

As a woman let me tell you that yes size absolutely does matter. This is not to be condescending, but size does make a huge difference (no pun intended).

But let me stress that I would highly advise against getting surgery, pumps and taking pills to make your penis muscle bigger. All those methods are costly and gimmicks at best.

If you want to learn how to get a bigger, stronger, and longer penis, and have more control over it you need to start exercising your penis. Many people exercise their penis to gain more control of it as well, penis exercises are excellent for men suffering from premature ejaculation.

What Are Penis Exercises?

You may be laughing or wondering, “You want me to do penis exercises? Like put a little dumbbell or weights on my penis?” Fortunately for you exercising your penis is a safe and very easy method to increase your penis length and girth. It doesn’t require any weights or devices.

Like any other muscle of your body, you need to exercise your penis muscle. If you don’t exercise your muscles you know what happens you become weak, and flabby. I’ll give you an example of a popular penis exercise for beginners called jelqing.

Wet Jelqing

Before you do this exercise, as with any exercise, you must warm up. To warm up simply take a nice hot shower or use a warm towel of place it on your penis and the surrounding area.

You will need lubrication or oil; I recommend using olive oil, coconut oil, grape-seed oil or almond oil. Your penis needs to be 20-40% erect to do this. If you find yourself getting aroused, stop and then wait till your penis is again 20-40% erect.

Put oil all over your hands and your penis. Then make a circle with your index finger and your thumb at the base of your penis. Slowly run your two fingers down the length of your penis until you reach the end of the shaft, just under the head. Repeat with your left hand. Do 15 sets totaling 30 strokes each hand.

See it’s that easy. In two months time you will find your penis bigger, stronger and longer and you will have more control over it preventing premature ejaculation.

If you really want to learn how to get a bigger, stronger and longer penis I highly recommend you get the bestselling penis exercise book, now available as an eBook called Exercising the Penis by Aaron Kemmer. He explains how you can increase your penis size with full explanations and penis workout schedules so you won’t hurt or strain yourself.