Plastic Vs Cotton Shopper Bags

When it is about great shopping, you require a purse or a shopper bag which can all your essential items that you intend to carry along. For such need, shopping carriers play a vital role through out your shopping. This is why they are of so much importance to shopping lovers. The large shopping carriers are like big store bags and that is why people also refer them as easy to go bags. Try to avoid the plastic carry-offs as they cannot be recycled and hence pose threat to the environment. In spite of keeping the plastic bag a much better alternative is the normal size cloth carrier. It will help you in all your shopping plans and can be bring into the purpose of reuse.

According to the latest environmental research, many environmental related people have declared a big proportion of plastic carriers dispersed everywhere on the earth. The research tells that billions of plastic carriers have piled up in different states of United States. As they cannot be recycled, more and more landfills are created each year. All this results in a less eco-friendly environment and causes the bad impacts on the surroundings.

Since two or three decades, the problem of wildlife is growing day by day. Environmental pollution and discharged wastes have taken away the charm of nature. To make matters worse, more industries are discharging their toxic effluents in the sea. According to a research concluded in 2000, around 80% of sea turtles have disappeared due to the pollution caused by raw plastic carriers. The study tells that the natural life of turtles is disturbed and that is why a lot died to the pollution of such large amount of waste material. When plastic carriers reach near the oceans, they are also going to disturb the life other water animals.

The making of plastic carrier is also very critical, as the chemical agents that are used for the purpose are really dangerous. Besides, these chemicals have drastic effects on our environment. Oil is the main ingredient for making plastic carriers. Billions of containers are being utilized every where in the world for the purpose. If we try to reduce our dependency on plastic carriers, we can benefit our environment and save the big inflation of oil reserves.

When one side is plastic carriers, the other is the cotton ones. The cloth carrier proves to be a better alternative as compared to plastic. You can buy a big cloth carrier, which would be of low-cost and can serve you for a long period of time. As they are reusable, you can use them as many times as you want. After buying the cotton carrier, you do not have to buy it again and again. It will also prove to be environmental friendly as things will change a lot after using them.

When everyone starts using the cotton shopper bags, its production will increase many folds and the problems of environmental diseases can also be checked. If earth is our home, it is our responsibility to make it a better place for living.