A Monkey On A Po-Go Stick?

I was browsing the web t’other day as I do and I came across this sentence … “a monkey on a po-go stick” and in the same way I assume this title has attracted your attention, it attracted mine.

I clicked on the link expecting to find a picture of a depressed chimp stuck on a po-go doing embarrassing tricks for the heartless public and to my surprise and delight t’was a game and being only human I decided to see what it was like.

The game started and I thought what a load of rubbish. Of course this was before I knew what I had to do, and being an impatient sort of guy I wasn’t prepared to read the instructions.

After a little while I got the hang of it and wow! I loved it.

The idea is to wait until the monkey falls to the ground and at its maximum up thrust level you press the space bar and this sends the po-go, monkey attached, to the sky and when it falls, you wait and press the space bar at the right time again. You have to time it perfectly and your rhythm must be top notch or you will find this game difficult. That’s the game anyway.

I was getting high scores and beating my personal best. Nearly an hour flew by and I had mastered the art of monkey po-go jumping. I still play it every now and then when I’m bored on the pc. I love it so I just had to have it on my own website.

If this bouncing monkey tale has attracted your interest then why not see what I’m talking about first hand by visiting my website.