Buying an HD TV

Technology has improved remarkably through the years. Televisions, for one, have gone from being bulky, boxy tube filled affairs to sleek, streamlined visions of elegance. Many consumers are itching to buy a brand new flat screen HD TV, as they are practically de rigueur these days. Yet, as with most new technologies, finding out what’s the best thing to buy can be a difficult affair. This article looks at the ins and outs of buying a new HDTV.

There are three main different kinds of HDTV: projection, plasma and LCD HD TVs. Projection HD TVs are generally cheaper than the rest of HD TVs out their, especially for larger sets. You can get a pretty large screen for little money. However, there is a trade off. Projection HD TVs aren’t as bright as other TVs and the viewing angle leaves something to be desired. These types of TVs also tend to be over scanned, meaning you won’t be able to see the edges of images. The depth of color on these TVs is fine, but when compared to LCD’s, unless you buy a higher end model. Projector models tend to consume a fair amount of energy, so you may find our electricity bills going up. The good thing about these types of HD TVs is that you can buy a lot of real estate for not a lot of money. So if you’re looking for something big, a projector HD TV may be the way to go.

Plasma HD TVs cost more than projection HD TVs, when it comes to size. They usually cost more per inch; however, factors such as angle, brightness, color depth and resolution are of higher quality with plasma HD TVs. Prices are dropping however, quite quickly. That means that you may end up paying more for a plasma TV now than you would later. Other problems with plasma displays include burn-in and distorted pictures. If you get a large plasma screen without square pixels, the picture won’t look that great. Burn-in is a problem with images burning themselves into the screen. This is known to occur often for displaying computer images. Plasmas are high quality, but they also are more costly than other types of HD TVs.

LCD HD TVs are pretty good in quality and price. Although they were expensive when they first came out, prices have dropped so you can get a good quality LCD for a decent price. LCD HD TVs, (LCD stands for liquid crystal display), have a problem with backlighting. They are brightly lit up and these can tend to bleed through. LCDs are also notorious for motion blur, although higher end LCDs have found some ways to resolve this. Another problem with LCDs is that the picture is less uniform than plasma TVs. In a LCD set that is larger than 42 inches, the quality is as good as plasma screens.

Sony has been focuses on something called OLED which out performs both LCDs and plasma; unfortunately, these are quite costly.