Web Design: How To Turn A Hobby Into A Job

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Making websites can be quite fun. Lucky for you, not a lot of people have this skill, or want to take the time to design their own web site. This hobby or talent can turn into a real money maker for you if you want it to. The following article contains some information you can use when trying to turn your web design hobby into a source of income. Continue reading to find out how you can help others, and make money with your talent.

Blogs are currently the big thing on the World Wide Web. Millions of people and businesses all over the Internet either have their own blog or are creating a new one. Most blogs have a standard template, but who wants a boring template? Those who are using their blog to make money will want something that fits their personality or their company. Offer your services to those with boring blogs.

Not only are blogs booming, so are websites. Find people you know who are building a website and looking for assistance. Let them know that you enjoy and know a lot about web design. You should also show them websites or blogs that you have already designed so they can see just how good you are at it.

You can also use your talents to create social sites. Design your own social site so others can see it. Those interested will probably ask you about it and you can spread the word that way. You may also throw it out there to those who you are friends with. Don’t drive them crazy, but every now and then, make a mention that you like to design.

Ask friends to share your name with people they know. They can post your name and information on their social media site or their website or blog. The more people you have sharing, the more potential work you have. Before long, you should have quite a few sites or blogs to design.

Post an ad on Craigslist. Offer your services as a web designer and allow people to come to you when they need web design work. Put some links on your ad so they can quickly see what you are capable of. Many people look on Craigslist for many different things. It is free to post, so you really have nothing to lose.

Not only should you use Craigslist to offer your services, but you can also use it to find work. Search different areas of the country to see if anyone needs design work done. Just because you are not in the same geographical location, does not mean you can’t work for someone. Luckily, there are ways for people to pay you online.

Not everyone has the time or the talent to design their own website so the talent you have in web design is one that is sought after. If extra money sounds good to you, use some of the tips shared in this article to put your skills to work.