Gas Grill Burners

Gas grill burners are one of the most important parts of the gas grill. There are various sizes, shapes and materials that gas grill burners come in. How long a particular type of gas grill burner will last depends upon how it is made and of what material it is made.

Low end gas grill burners may be made of aluminized steel. A gas grill using these burners will be easy on the pocket but may not last long. These kind of burners generally last for a period of about three years given normal wear and tear and average maintenance.

As burners are placed inside the grill they get coated with grease during the cooking process. This coating of burnt grease can lead to the gas grill burners corroding quickly. Regular maintenance in the form of inspection and cleaning on a periodic basis can increase the life span of gas grill burners.

At the high end, cast brass is used to make gas grill burners. Generally standard sizes fit all models. However even manufacturers offer a choice of material for burners. When burners are to be replaced the user always has a choice to upgrade to a better quality one.

Stainless steel gas grill burners are a good choice but one should remember that all stainless steel burners are not the same. Take time to read the warranty card thoroughly. Most manufacturers give a warranty against rust through but there is no cover provided for burn through. It is only cast stainless steel burners that are resistant to burn through. The other problems that can affect gas grill burners are twisting and warping.

Cast stainless steel burners with protective ridges are the best kind of gas grill burners. These ridges protect the burners against drippings that speed up the degenerative process.

A point to be remembered is that stainless steel is prone to rust. The only difference is that it gets rusted at a rate much slower than iron. Hence the use of the term “stainless.” Under conditions like what gas grill burners are exposed to, even stainless steel is bound to get corroded and wear away with time. The better the quality, the longer it lasts. So learn to check for quality of steel. And always check burner construction before deciding upon a particular model of gas grill.