Teaching Your Child to Write

Imagine yourself being in awe of a swimmer while you are paranoid about water. The idea is to overcome fear and develop an interest. If water sports is your short-coming then make an attempt to learn it with water polo or beach picnics. Your phobias can affect your progeny and negative thoughts filter down to little minds.

Teaching little children to write can be an exasperating event for parents with no previous experience in any teaching course. Prior to writing, introduce the children to coloring. Give them a soft wax crayon and lay them neatly on a table. Choose a friendly place and better still get your neighbors children together. Let them touch and feel the crayons. The next day you could give them some paper and mark a few lines on it. Absolutely, children will copy you.

In the next following days, draw a little fish on the back of their hand, draw them a moon, star and give them a bigger paper to scribble. Let the scribbling be bold, strong and aggressive. This strengthens their little fingers and makes the joints stronger. The ideal age is 2 and above and let this be a total fun activity. Children love exciting squeals and claps. If a child has finished earlier, then let all of them clap for the same. These are soft motivation skills and the parent is a child’s first teacher.

Coloring is a better alternative to watching television too, though encourage your child to watch art programs and craft works. As you feel the child has gained enough steadiness in holding the crayon, get a neat, strong, cartoon pictured pencil. Grip the writing instruments in a colorful pencil box and present with a book. Date all the pages as this will serve as a good memory.

Pattern writing and stroke writing concepts are available in books. Invest in the same. Maintain the process of colors continually. Pattern writing can be snake curves, typical C curves, mountain and valley writing to name a few. Strokes refer to standing lines, sleeping lines, clots and slanting lines. Make the child practice initially holding the fingers gently and also allowing a little independence. Repeat the concept softly but clearly.

Pre-schoolers have scheduled learning programs and preparation can start at home grounds. If a child has seen a pencil, sharpener, erase, strokes and curves before, the less chances are that he will misbehave in class. The only qualification you need to possess is tremendous patience and a little creativity. Nothing is parallel to the joy to see your child writing alphabets or ordinals and hence its worth to spend a scheduled time and effort in developing writing skills.