Find the Beauty in Everything You Do

Sometimes because we do the work we do, it just seems second nature to us and we don’t notice the beauty in what we do.

I’m always looking for inspiration to write. I tend to analyze what I read, hear and see. I always try to find something beautiful in everything. I have my own rules when I write. First, I need to be inspired. Second, I always learn something new when I write, and third, I write only words to encourage people to be better every day. Today, I received a beautiful e-mail from a new customer that made me very happy. I found his words very honest, sweet and encouraging, even though he doesn’t know me personally, as many of my customers do.

Some of you know that I’m a graphic designer and I work on a freelance basis. I love my work. I always do my work as best as I can and try to find solutions for my customers instead of focusing on issues, like when customers don’t know what they want or when they send me files or information that’s incorrect. Most of the time, I’m available for them and it has its rewards. Yes, it is easier to work from the luxury of a home office, far away from my customers. If I feel frustrated, I can do whatever I need to do to relax and find my happiness once more.

When I receive compliments from my customers, I feel happy and I know I’m appreciated. They don’t tell me often, but they continue giving me more work to do, so that means they like my work. I believe in my work. I do my best in everything and I always expect the best from other people. If I give good things, I receive good things too!

How do you feel when you receive compliments? I would like to say honest compliments, but I think the honesty depends on the things you believe about yourself. If somebody says something that you don’t believe about yourself or your work, you will find the comment dishonest. It doesn’t matter if the person is honest when he/she says it to you. On the other hand, if somebody says good things about you and you are open to receive, those words can make you to feel better and encourage you to improve or change yourself. This is how the words can enhance or ruin a life.

Two days ago I found a very nice video on the YouTube. It calls “Validation.” It is a fable about the magic of free parking, starring TJ Thyne and Vicki Davis. It is a marvelous short movie. It clearly shows how words can improve lives and how the negativity from people you love is more contagious than the happiness. But, when your happiness is your natural state and comes from the bottom of your heart, you overcome everything and the Universe conspires to bring you the things you love and want. I’m sure you will enjoy this short movie. It will put a smile on your face and a seed in your heart, and maybe you will express the words that make others- and yourself- happy.

Don’t be shy, express what you feel! Say something beautiful to you every day. Words are the easiest way to make people happy. It is free and is always with you. The people you love are always ready to hear something nice from you. You can break any barrier with beautiful words. Expressing with beautiful words takes some effort at first, but it is just a matter of practice. It may be easier for you to write the words down, write them and make yourself and people around you happy.

By the way, here is what the e-mail I received today says: “Sometimes because we do the work we do, it just seems second nature to us and we don’t notice the beauty in what we do. If you didn’t get to see it, or you did and didn’t notice how beautiful the poster came out, I want you to know that when I saw it, I thought it was beautiful, and every time I pass by it, I think the same thing. Thank you.” Beautiful words, ah? I designed a poster for him.

I really love my work, as a graphic designer and as a writer. I’m sure love is reflected in my work. I enjoy everything I do. I feel blessed and grateful for the rewards I receive every day. I’ve received a lot of beautiful compliments from people that I’ve never met. Thank you, you can be sure that every word you have said to me is reciprocated and appreciated.

Do your best and find the beauty in the things you do. Let those in your life reward you. You will feel great!