A Bride’s Big Day Beauty Basics!

تارسين فوريست ريزورت اند سبا إم جاليري باي سوفيتل، Tarčin – أحدث أسعار 2023
يقع تارسين فوريست ريزورت اند سبا إم جاليري باي سوفيتل في تارسين، وعلى بعد 38 كم من سراييفو، وتحيط به الجبال ويضم مسبحاً داخلياً وحوض استحمام ساخن وساونا.

Do I really have to tell you that most brides cry at some point during their wedding? Do I have to tell you that you will be kissing, kissing, kissing all day long? If you know this and more, then you will need the following tips to get your through the day looking fresh and beautiful.

There are so many possible emergencies that can happen during your very long wedding day. You can read article upon article about what can go wrong. But the bride is the most important person at that wedding, and very few articles are written for her emergencies; from her smearing her lipstick to having her bustle stuck after she goes to the bathroom. And unfortunately, that one came from experience!

The first and foremost decision a bride must make is to assign someone to be her checker. What do I mean by that? Make sure that you have someone that will keep an eye on you all day and let you know if there is something wrong or if you need a touch-up. I would suggest it’s not someone in your wedding party because they will be very involved in the wedding. Choose someone that is very observant and is sitting fairly close to the dais table so they can see you. But, please, from experience, do not choose someone that will want to bother you every second because she wants the attention. That will totally ruin your day worse than a stuck bustle.

Make sure if you do your own make-up or if you have a make-up artist apply your make-up that you/they use waterproof make-up. You probably will cry during the day. You don’t want to have to reapply your eye and face make-up all day long. This will save you tremendously. Do the same with long-lasting lipstick. Apply it at the beginning of the day and then touch-up as needed. Before buying, just make sure it says all day lip color or something to that affect.

Lastly, the most important beauty tip is to do a dry run with make-up and hair. If you are doing both of those yourself or having a friend do it, then it will be easy. If you are having a professional do your hair and make-up, then speak to them and see if they will do this. Normally, this is included in the price.

Most of all, relax! Stress causes dark circles and bags under your eyes. And by the way, those cold cucumber slices placed on those eye bags, really does work.